Thursday, February 13, 2014

More Words Than I Have Energy For And Lots Of Photos

***Note:  Look closely as you scroll through the photos.  There is one in the mix that may not stay there long, but you will see the significance to my posting it.  Once again we would like to thank the donor that made this possible.

I don't have the energy for a long explanation of the past... ummmm... let me count... 10 days by the time I finish this.

Superbowl Sunday, we spent the day at the hospital and arrived home at midnight.  At 12:20am, Monday, February 3rd, twenty minutes after getting home, the call came.  Nurse Debbie, who Michael knew from his much younger years, was the one to make that call.  We had speculated how we would feel when it came, but let me say this... MY HEART WAS POUNDING LIKE CRAZY AND HUBBY IMMEDIATELY GOT A STOMACH ACHE FROM NERVES.  I was still dressed from the morning prior and hubby threw a shirt back on and skipped the shower he was about to take.  We had been exhausted when we got home, but the adrenalin kicked in and kept us moving.  Thank heaven there was no traffic on the road at that hour.  We were told he was scheduled for 5:30am and that they hadn't told him yet and would wait for us to get there. (I started calling the family)

When we showed up on the floor, they immediately told us he had been rescheduled for around noon and was sleeping.  Knowing how he was going to feel when the call came, I had no intention of waking him up to tell him until it was necessary.  I planned to let him sleep as long as he could, because he isn't a good sleeper to begin with and the news was going to send him over the edge.  His door was open enough for me to peek around the curtain without disturbing him, but he immediately saw my feet and then my face.  He wasn't sleeping!  He said, "Mom? what are you doing here???"  I said, "They have a heart".  He said, "WHAT???"  I repeated myself.  He said (pardon my bluntness) "You're effing sh!tting me?!?"  Nope, I wasn't.  To say he was a little freaked out would be an understatement, but he handled himself and his nerves, very darn well.

Family made it with plenty of time to spend before they took him down. (1pm)  Due to all the recent surgeries and procedures, they had work to do before the heart arrived.  Once the heart was on site the actual transplant didn't take very long, but bleeding kept him there for a bit.  They weren't sure they would be able to close him up, but after the bleeding was under control they closed him and sent him to recovery.  His nurses were awesome!  Special thanks to Alex & John for making us comfortable on that first night in recovery.  You guys were awesome, even if John did shave his face naked, including his mustache... which hasn't been shaved in about 25 years.  Too bad he didn't shave his head, which desperately needed it.  We all got to see him before we left to get some much needed rest.

He was technically ready to leave CVICU on Wednesday, but someone from ER took the room they were trying to hold for him in his favorite wing.  He let someone else take an available room on the other wing and opted to wait for his.  His nurses did some maneuvering and managed to get him back in his home away from home on Friday.

He has encountered some problems.  First it was his lungs and they thought he might have an infection.  They tried to sedate him for a bronchoscopy and COULD NOT GET HIM SEDATED and had to cancel it.  We held him down for three hours after the attempted sedation and he hasn't been in his right mind since.  He couldn't sleep and hardly even closed his (wild) eyes at all, he was paranoid, hallucinating, delusional, seeing people that weren't there, carrying on conversations with people that weren't there, talking and moving his hands like he was at work, etc...  A psych consultation and them being able to give him something that finally allowed him to sleep has made a big difference.  Wednesday morning they took him down for a new PICC line in his arm and removed the central line in his neck, he was able to do the bike machine for about an hour and a half and stayed in the chair for most of the day.  Was back in his right mind and very glad to be there.  All IVs (except for occasional ones) are out and he is taking oral meds now.  We are ALL hoping to move forward with his recovery process.  First biopsy tomorrow.  Fingers crossed!

I hope to be back to see everyone soon.  I miss you!

Now for some photos...

And one more heart photo that came in after I posted.


The Cranky said...

Oh I am overjoyed to read this Ms.A! Wish I could give you a huge hug!

Seems Michael has someone watching over him, (along with all of us) fingers are crossed for the biopsy.

Deborah said...

Prayers and energy are a real thing. You and your family are blessed in this! I am bursting with happiness for all of you. Michael's thumbs-up says it all.

Keep us in the loop when you can dear woman.

mamahasspoken said...

Prayers have been answered! So happy to be reading your great news! Loved all the pictures, even the open chest one!

Lynn said...

What an impressive photo journey! Fingers remain crossed and prayers continue for a solid recovery, YOUPI's and bravo's for Michael and all the people that have helped thus far, the outstanding family friend and medical teams he has with and behind him. xxoo to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Whew! What you have all been through! But I'm so very glad the heart came through and he has worked through the main issues right now. I'll continue praying and praying and praying! xoxo

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wow- what a blessing to see this. I am so happy for all of you, and especially for Michael. He looks peaceful after all of that trauma. I hope he has a quick problem-free recovery- that will be my prayer now.

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

How elated and exhausted you must all be! He looks amazing considering everything. Praying for his recovery, his bodies acceptance of the anti-rejection medications and all he and the family will face moving forward.

TexWisGirl said...

i am so very relieved to hear from you! and SO very glad michael is recovering! bless him! those bruised arms tell so much of the story on their own. and please tell him he is handsome without his mustache, too.

loved that you circled the souls watching over him. continued prayers sent to strengthen all of you!

Sally said...

God bless him, God bless him, God bless him!

Letting out a deep breath here. Thank you SO much for letting us know MsA!

The Lord and the Angels right there; powerful. Thank you God.

Love you.

George said...

This is indeed good news and an answer to prayer. We will continue to keep all of you in our prayers and we hope and pray that all of you can now get some much needed rest.

Nellie said...

How wonderful to read this, Ms. A! Prayers still coming for the recovery process and for your strength and endurance through all of this experience! Sending hugs! Nellie

Connie in Hartwood said...

Crying happy tears for you, dear. The look on Michael's face, as he was obviously preparing himself for what was to come ... amazing. The surgery photo? It is what it is, and it is a miracle. Hugs for you. Big, long hugs.

Still thinking of you every day.

Furry Bottoms said...

My heart started racing once my feed showed you had posted. Holy Moly! And yes, I see the orb. That is intriguing. I am so glad Michael is on the mend... fingers definitely crossed that biopsy will come out good! I have been thinking of you and your family everyday. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-!-!-! I am just beyond thrilled for you all!!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I am so happy for all involved in this. This is so wonderful Cora!!
I noticed the orbs, imagine they are loved ones/guardian angels looking out for him.

I hope you get some rest, and the next photo's of your son he is smiling and up and around.

Best of everything!

Betty said...

Oh my gosh...I am so glad to hear from you. You have all been through so much, but I'm so glad to hear that he's been up in a chair and riding a bike! Thank you so much for the update. We used to joke that the hospital put something in the ventilation system to relax everyone and make them sleepy. For some reason just sitting in a hospital room listening to everything beep is very tiring. I hope and pray things will go well and there will be more good days than bad and he'll soon be released. I'm sure he's tired of living in a hospital and listening to those darn IV's going off. And you must be so tired of the drive back and forth. I'm praying this will all be behind you very soon. Praying for good biopsy results too! Get well Michael!

Saraheinä said...

So wonderful news! I'm still praying for successful recovery, you are in my thoughts <3!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sweetie, What a relief... I cannot believe how good Michael looks --after all that he has gone through. I'm praying now for a good and quick recovery...

There are many many looking down on Michael and praying for him. God is GOOD!!!! Thanks be to God.

Hope you and hubby can get some much needed rest...

Hugs and Prayers,

Vicky said...

Shivers and tears and relief and hope… oh my… I can't imagine the sheer tornado of emotions you must have gone through! I'm in complete awe and reverence for his strength and courage!!


Gigi said...

I am so happy to hear that he is doing well. Keeping the prayers headed your way.

Karen said...

Now you just keep on keeping on, Michael!.. Prayers and healing thoughts coming your way!...

Ami said...

Go Michael!

I hope the family of the donor knows they've saved a life and finds a little comfort in that.

I am so very glad that he's through the surgery and bike riding. Can hang gliding be far behind?

Chana Meddin said...

Ms. A, not much our other readers and loved ones haven't already said to add…tears in eyes, for all of you…you have become quite the writer, BTW, AND photographer, I read it over with goosebumps every time. Unfathomable except your skill probably conveyed as much as we could feel for you without actually standing in your shoes. I pray for Michael's biopsy to be benign, for all the things written above, for the donor and family…and hope you will as things progress share some of how this has changed all of you…as if describing it is even possible? I barely breathed through this post, Ms. A, God Bless you All , may you rest, may you all begin to experience some well deserved Peace together. You are so loved by so many, and who can even begin to count the angels?!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Mrs. A - I don't know what to say. I am over joyed for him and all of you. Gosh it came at just the right time - He sounds like he's recovering quite nicely - one day at a time.

You have all been through so much. His poor arms look so sore.

But he looks like he has a loving family too!


Chatty Crone said...

Oh Mrs. A - I don't know what to say. I am over joyed for him and all of you. Gosh it came at just the right time - He sounds like he's recovering quite nicely - one day at a time.

You have all been through so much. His poor arms look so sore.

But he looks like he has a loving family too!


Liz Mays said...

I have tears streaming down my face with joy for you and your son! This is wonderful and I'm so grateful to whomever opted to donate their organs. I wish everyone would do that. What a blessing that he finally got his heart!

troutbirder said...

The miracles of modern medicine. Hoping for the best results indeed...:)

Betty Manousos said...

i am SO very happy to hear that michael is recovering! i am so relieved and all teary now. prayers have been answered! headed continued prayers your way!

god bless you all!
big hugs!

p.s. please tell michael that he's very handsome!

Vicki Lane said...

What a Valentine's gift to read this! Way to go, all of you! xox, Vicki

Jen said...

Joy and relief.... so glad he's on his way to good health. Love and hugs

Linda said...

I am so glad to read this! Thank goodness it went well!

It's wonderful that he has so much family to support him, and obviously the medical folks did a great job.

CiCi said...

Hard to know what to say, this is amazing and to see it through the pictures made me cry. I have so much admiration for the people who work in hospitals and am grateful you and your family have celebrating going on right now. Be strong, Michael, be strong.

Lynn Proctor said...

oh what wonderful news!!!! such a sweet thing to see all of his family there with him---praying for great results<3

20 North Ora said...

What glorious news! He looks so good! I know you are all exhausted and I pray strength for you all as you journey thru this with him.

Take care of yourself and keep us posted.


Help! Mama Remote... said...

Blessings blessings. God is good.

Katie said...

Oh gracious! Such wonderful, happy, over the top beautiful news to hear this Monday morning. How I have been thinking of you all---but never expected to read this. Oh, I so hope the worst days are behind you now. Will be thinking of you all and sending happy thoughts your way. : ) Katie

Linda said...

How wonderful!

lotta joy said...

The good news. The bad news. The poor boy. The hallucinations. OMG Those poor bruised arms!!

I wish someone had taken photos of me during my 6 month hospital stay in 1989. I might feel bad now, but it would cheer me up seeing just how bad things did get for me.

I'm hoping he'll have the opportunity to see these when he's old and go "OMG. And today I complained about a bug bite."

So. Cal. Gal said...

I am SO HAPPY that he got his heart. Everything is on the upswing from now on!

(((HUGS))) to all of you and one (((BIG FAT HUG))) to Michael!

Pat Tillett said...

Your family is awesome, tough and awesome! I'm so happy that things are moving along and to see you all there supporting him. Family...

Ms. G said...

I have been traveling and then ill so I am just now catching up. Excellent! Amazing and Wonderful and I look forward to your next update: )
Prayers still coming!
Also some chills not associated with my flu! Wow. Just Wow.

Sally said...

Thinking of you all, and hoping Michael is still improving.

Betty said...

Hoping and praying all is well.

Nancy said...

So sorry I missed all of the excitement -- I've been doing our taxes (yuck!)

So very happy for you and Michael and your whole family. xo

Anonymous said...

Ms. A - I'm so happy to hear that Mike got his heart and I hope and pray that he continues to do well!! I have re-signed up for your blog posts so I won't miss anymore!! I'll keep you posted on Jim's status - we are still waiting... Cheryl

Ashley Danielle said...

Holy moly!! Ny eyes filled with tears, reading this, and my nose started burning too. I'm working back in the hospital again, though only in Labor & Delivery this time, but still catch other stories about some of the things going on.... I still feel for others and their families like I did before.... I'm just not as directly hands on as I once was, and for right now that's okay. How I just want to hug you and Michael both. The pictures from that birthday weekend (the more recent ones).... He looks fantastic! What a blessing for him to successfully receive that new heart, and give him a new chance at life! I am so happy for you all.... Geez! You're running me on this emotional rollercoaster today!!! Xoxo!!