Sunday, September 1, 2013

I Have No Clue

A pot from a dead plant has mysteriously sprouted some kind of tall, slender, tree-like plant, that is growing like a weed.  I have no clue what it is, but it has some interesting, very small berries on it and some tiny, white blooms with yellow centers. 

I took some photos to see if any of you smart bloggers can identify it and tell me if we should pull it, or transplant it.  Wasn't sure which photos to post, so I'm posting several.  Wish I could have gotten a better shot of the blooms, however, the wind was blowing and I felt lucky to get any shots.

If I had intentionally planted this, you can bet it wouldn't be growing this well!

So, is this a weed, or is this a plant?  Any guesses?



TexWisGirl said...

well, per google, these might be eastern black nightshade berries - and they are deadly. might want to google that some more, but they sure are pretty! :)

20 North Ora said...

I don't have any idea what these are! They are pretty tho.
I am your newest follower.


lotta joy said...

If it's growing, it's a weed. If it's brackish/blue, it's poisonous. said...

I haven't seen those before. I tend to taste-test all berries I come upon. If TexWis is right, though, I won't do that if I see these. Please don't do it either. The pictures are very pretty, though.


Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

I found two links for you:
This one really looks like it, black nightshade...

and this one mentions the above as well as one that "may not" be poisonous...

Hope this helps!
GREAT photos btw!!!

mamahasspoken said...

Hehehe aren't all plants weeds until someone decides they aren't ;o)
While growing up we had a weed called Queen Anne's Lace. It grew in the hayfields and on the side of every back road in the country for miles around. Now, 5o years later, I've seen this same plant in the nurseries being sold as a wild flower.
It's all in perspective and time.

Sally said...

I am SO glad you have smarter than me friends as I have no clue.

BUT, these are some awesome photo's! :)


Ms. G said...

They actually look familiar but I have no idea.

P.S. First glance, thought you wrote, 'pot plant mysteriously sprouted' giggle...; )

Deborah said...

I'm no help either, but I agree; they are so beautiful.

Chana Meddin said...

What, really, is the difference between a weed and a plant if you find beauty in it? That said, from what i've read in the comments, wouldn't use the berries in a PIE! YIKES! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, your photographs are gorgeous, it has flowers that become berries and is only doing what it knows how to do, cares not a whit what we call so glad you photographed it and aren't eating the berries!!! Always in our prayers, Ms. A...

Ami said...

Eric, the plant man in my life says NIGHTSHADE DO NOT EAT IT.

Not that you were planning to.

Outcast said...

I'm really interested as to what this tree is going to be, hope that you get to the bottom of this mystery soon Ms A!

Nancy said...

Nightshade. We have it everywhere!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Pretty sure that is a poison berry bush..pretty, but I'd pull it up if I were you.

Chatty Crone said...

Hey I don't know what they are - but the berries are beautiful. Don't eat!!

Gigi said...

Not a clue...but don't eat the berries. You never know. If you find it pretty then it's not a weed.

Jen said...

What about a trip to your local extension office? You're down south and most area's have them. They're usually good at that sort of thing.

NCmountainwoman said...

The first line made me think you had accidentally grown some marijuana!

Steer clear of the nightshade unless you plan to become a "herb woman."

Nellie said...

This one is not for you to relish having around. Nightshade is poisonous!

Barbara said...

I was going to recommend asking TexWisGirl, but I saw she already responded, along with several others. Wow - how did you get nightshade growing in your yard? I'm going to keep an eye out for it. Wonder how you get rid of it?

Linda said...

I agree with those who say the berries look poisonous. It's a weed.

Marie said...

Now I'm wondering what they are! If they are poisonous make sure none of your pets eat them!
Wonderful photos!

Katherines Corner said...

Oh sweetie, that's poison! Pretty though xo

Furry Bottoms said...

You might have unintentionally grown a perennial plant of some kind. The kind that comes back year after year. Normally I LOVE those kind of plants... but these do look poisonous. When in doubt... kill it before it kills you!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Well they are pretty berries and doing well since there are more blossoms to have new berries. When you find out please let us know.
Inquiring minds want to know!

gmarch53 said...

Those are Belladonna aka Devil's Cherries. They are in the Nightshade family, however NOT all nightshades are poisonous. Tomatoes, Potatoes, Peppers, Eggplant, and other Nightshades are very much edible. This one you have so nicely photographed is not an edible Nightshade. (It is only a weed if you find it undesirable Ms A) :)

Vicki Lane said...

I think black night shade but it sure is pretty.

Pat Tillett said...

Looks like dwarf eggplant to me!
Just kidding, I don't have a clue.

Jenny said...

I think it looks like nightshade!

You could take a leaf and a berry to a garden center but be careful! I think this might be poisonous!

And, no, you can't grow white oleanders to put in a bouquet with this!
