Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sixty Seven

What could be better than having a gathering to celebrate your birthday?

Having a gathering AND ALL YOUR KIDS SHOW UP!

 "Happy 67th Birthday, Honey... I LOVE YOU!"


Ami said...

You have a lovely family. Everyone looks happy. :)

Could you send me some cake? I am up late and find that I have a craving...

Saraheinä said...

You have been blessed with a wonderful family! Congratulations from me too :)

Outcast said...

This has to be the perfect present for him Ms A, glad to see that he had such a great birthday!

mamahasspoken said...

Best times in life are spent with your love ones. Happy to see your son look so well!
Oh and Happy belated birthday to your hubby!

Help! Mama Remote... said...

Happy birthday!!! such a beautiful family and your son is looking great.

Sally said...

Absolutely! Nothing better!

Beautiful family, handsome husband!

So happy all could be there to share in the celebration. :)


TexWisGirl said...

so very sweet!!! you have a beautiful family!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love those kind of parties- you have a beautiful family- and Happy Birthday to your husband!

Betty Manousos said...

happy birthday to your husband!
you have been blessed with a lovely family my wonderful friend!!
thanks so much for sharing these beautiful photos.

big hugs!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a wonderful family... I love Family Photos... Happy Birthday to your Sweetie.... Four kids??? You'll have to tell me which is which. Michael is the only one I know!


George said...

Happy Birthday to you husband. It looks like you had a wonderful family celebration. You have a very handsome family, but I suspect you already know that.

Liz Mays said...

Awwwww, that's so sweet. So much love here and MAN, you have a beautiful family!

LL Cool Joe said...

And what beautiful kids too! Looks like you had fun!

lotta joy said...

What gives you the right to corner the market on the most gorgeous kids on earth!?

And husband too. . . next to Joe of course.

It's easy to pick out the son who has experienced the worst life can offer. He seems thoughtfully far away in his expression. I hope his life can take an upturn to make him as vibrant and healthy as his siblings.

uh....who is 67? You or the dude?

Nellie said...

What a great time! Sending happy birthday wishes along!

Gigi said...

Happy, happy birthday to your honey!

Kathleen's Blog said...

So good to see all the family together looking so happy.

Happy Birthday to your special guy!!!!

Vicki Lane said...

A fine looking bunch! Happy Birthday to Honey!

Anonymous said...

Now that's a sweet! if I ever saw one! Happy birthday to Honey!

Linda said...

Nice looking family!

CiCi said...

Having all the kids there to celebrate a birthday was the best present ever. Especially after all the anxiety with one son. Best wishes for a wonderful year for all of you.

NCmountainwoman said...

Happy Birthday to the birthday boy. Lovely family.

Marie said...

Happy Birthday to your Honey!!!
Your have a beautiful family!

I just have to say that the blue and white dress is so pretty and it looks so comfy. :) said...

You have a gorgeous family. Happy birthday to your hubby.


Katherines Corner said...

Joy!!!! Happy birthday to your honey xo

Chana Meddin said...

Tears in eyes...nothing COULD BE BETTER! Thanks for sharing so much with us, Ms. A, you've sure got a Keeper for a hubby, and our happiness you got it all on film to cherish forever! Always in our thoughts and prayers...Happy Belated Birthday, doubt ya had any cake left over, which is exactly as it should be!!!

Lynn Proctor said...

it doesn't get much better than that---happy birthday to your husband---beautiful!!!

troutbirder said...

That's quite the handsome crew and Happy Birthday indeed...:)

Ms. G said...

Happy Birthday!
Late as usual from me.
I feel bad for missing it: (
But I Hope you had a Wonderful Day and it looks like you did : )
You truly have a beautiful family!

Karen said...

What a beautiful family :-)

Deborah said...

Talk about blessed! Your family is gorgeous!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Birthday to your family. WHere are you in there? And it is a beautiful family. How many children do you have?

Jen said...

Good looking bunch they are. Happy Birthday wishes...

Pat Tillett said...

Happy Birthday! Family gatherings are great things. We're having a birthday gathering for one of our kids tomorrow night (not Ashley).
Your son is looking much better!