Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Here We Go Again

I really don't have time to explain, but Michael had to go to the ER on Sunday and was admitted.  After umpteen tests, it seems his pump has developed a clot and is no longer working adequately.  He will be getting a new pump on Wednesday morning.

Please send him some prayers, good luck, good wishes, good vibes, good thoughts, or all of the above.  We'll take all we can get!


Pat Tillett said...

Oh man! I'm sure it's just a glitch on his way back to great health. All the positive thoughts I can muster up are heading his way. Some to you as well...

mamahasspoken said...

I read the title and knew this was why. I'm so sorry that there are problems again. Will say a prayer for you and Mike and will keep you in my thoughts. Hang in there!

ain't for city gals said...

uh oh...but something that can be fixed hopefully.

Saara said...

I´m with You all! Sending strength and empowering thoughts!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, sweetheart, i am sorry! bless him! i am praying for him today!

Momma Fargo said...

Poor guy! What a recovery trip he is having. Ugh. He does look 200% better, however. Prayers to him!

Nellie said...

Encouraging thoughts and prayers coming your way for Mike's recovery!

Ami said...

DAMMIT!!!So sorry to hear about the setback. I hope things go well, and that he's out soon.

George said...

We will definitely continue to keep all of you in our prayers.

Sally said...

I am SO sorry! Prayers for Michael and you, for the doctors as well. Love you.

NCmountainwoman said...

I will continue prayers for this brave man. I haven't stopped but will gear it up a notch or two. Thoughts are with all of you.

Outcast said...

Sorry to hear this has happened Ms A, really hope that things get fixed for him as soon as possible, this doesn't sound good, I'm gutted that there's been yet another setback.

Karen said...

Ugh.. praying it's just a glitch and he'll be back on his feet again real soon.

Jen said...

Oh hon I'm so sorry this happened. Please know I'm praying for you all..

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My... So sorry to hear this... I hope the doctors can fix this problem quickly so that he can go on with his life. I'm sure this is depressing to him... He certainly has a great tan... Has he been able to work recently? Bless his heart. Prayers for him --and you. Keep us posted.

Gigi said...

Oh no! Just saw this. Sending lots of hugs and prayers that everything went well today.

Chana Meddin said...

Ms. A, NO! I am so sorry. You have ALL been and remained in my prayers so I'll throw in some Starbucks to get them full throttle to The Big Guy, think I missed last week's post but recently you had a photograph of Michael smiling and I was SO HAPPY! Please, I know emailing all of us is the LAST THING ON YOUR MIND but so many are concerned, if possible, could you just post a follow-up blog post, even if it's not on Wednesday, to keep us in the loop? Much, much love and prayers with a double-shot of espresso! Tell Michael he better not make me order a Triple! love, chana

Marie said...

Oh no! He must be just exhausted, all of you must be! Sending prayers, good thoughts and hugs to you all!!!

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

So sorry!!! Praying for you both sweet friend!

Help! Mama Remote... said...

Praying for you both

Lynn said...

Oh I am so sorry that Michael is back in the hospital, positive thoughts, love from a stranger and wishes that the whole process is done and quickly so that he can be home again soon. Gosh that is an impressive set of equipment he is surrounded by...

Nancy said...

All I can say is dammit. You know I am thinking of you and Michael. xo

Sally said...

Still praying and hoping for the best.


lotta joy said...

How much more. How much more. And on top of everything else, the darn pump wasn't put together with the precision it required and you would expect.

Chatty Crone said...

Darn I hate that. How many wires can be plugged into someone - wow. He looks better this time with some tan. Prayers a coming. sandie

Betty Manousos said...

dammit! oh, i am so sorry!

sending my heart and prayers his way- and to you.
you know i am thinking of you.


Katie said...

oh, i am so, so sorry. sending you happy thoughts every day till he gets better.

troutbirder said...

When it rains it pours. Enough is enough hoping his recovery can now resume a normal course...

Ms. G said...

Omagosh! Even if I'm in hiding you can always email me a prayer request! I'm on call : )

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hate that I missed this when you first posted it. But I'm sending lots of prayers now! I saw the next post with the pump and scar. Hope the surgery went well and this one works! Lots of belated hugs to you!!!