Monday, February 25, 2013

Two Good Days... Finally

We've had a rough week and Michael has had it even rougher.  After the thumbs up photo from Monday, he lost a little ground and had several things happen during the week.  He began having a very erratic heart rate and they had to shock it back to a decent rhythm.  For several hours after that, we had to keep a close eye (and hand) on him to keep him from pulling out drains and IVs.  Then he began having fluid collect and some clotting issues.  They did a temporary bedside procedure to drain some of it, then took him down to insert another drain tube to drain the fluid around his heart.

He received two units of blood and at some point (it's a blur) he lost the vision in his left eye for a brief period of time, due to a TIA. (mini stroke)  The vision returned and there shouldn't be any lasting damage.

Saturday and Sunday have been pretty darn good.  Thank you, Lord!  He had one of the 5 drains removed, as well as the central line in his neck.  He is looking forward to having more things removed, so he can try to get walking and transfer to the rehab floor.

We start classes on Tuesday, to begin learning how to take care of him and the LVAD, to be able to eventually bring him home.  We're already learning things about his care, from the nurses.  Truthfully, we're learning more than I ever wanted to know, about a whole lot of things, including myself.  I'm stronger than I ever imagined I could be. 

When he gets to the 12th floor, I hope to be able to start getting back to reading about all your lives.  I could sure use a break from mine!



So. Cal. Gal said...

It's always rough at first because it's all new. (((HUGS!)))

Peggy K said...

So good to hear he's having some good days! It's those moments that give you the hope for more of them!

And you are stronger than you ever thought possible. You're a mom!

You and the family are still in my prayers. You're stuck with me on that point for quite a while!! Hugs!!

mamahasspoken said...

What a wild roller coaster ride you've been on! So looking forward to the time when we get to read (and you get to write) that he's home!

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Mrs. A,
I am sad to hear it has been and up and down week. Hopefully things are looking up today. Truly in hard times we learn much about ourselves, these are the times when we see only the footprints of Jesus in the sand and not our own. He's the strength seeing you through! Praying for Michael and your family...

Karen said...

Ms. A.. this sounds so trite, but I'm proud of you.. You are showing a strength and courage I KNOW you didn't think you possessed. So glad your son is taking a turn for the better, looking forward to hearing updates of his improvements and a return to normal living. You are all in my thoughts and prayers...


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Happy happy happy! This is good news Cora. I will continue to pray that this just keeps getting better, easier and all will be fine.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Bless your heart... YES--we all are stronger during hard times than we ever think we will be. Sorry he had a rough week--but glad he has turned the corner now.. Praise God.

May God Bless your son, Michael, and prayers for the entire family.

Hugs and Prayers,

TexWisGirl said...

you sweet, dear woman. this is more than you ever imagined facing. he is a strong man to get through each turn of this. bless him. i hope things are now stabilized and he can start to get stronger!

Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell said...

I can't believe what a rollercoaster this has been. SO glad it's taking a turn for the good!

Nellie said...

Sending you hugs! Wish I could be there to be better support for you! Prayers continuing as well!

Connie in Hartwood said...

Hallelulah for good days!!

Moms are always stronger than we think when our children are involved.

Powdered Toast Man said...

we are all here supporting you.

Momma Fargo said... sorry to hear about the ups and down, but glad things are better. Lots of prayers headed his way!

Betty said...

OMG...I have been slowly trying to catch up a little with my blog reading since we moved home on February 15th and saw this post. Needless to say, I went back and read your previous posts about your son. I'm so sorry to hear about his health problems, but he's certainly at a good place and is receiving top notch care. In fact, you've been right next door to MD Anderson where we've been spending a lot of our time. (I've visited the McDonald's at St. Luke's.) Believe'll do fine caring for him. It's amazing the strength we have! I'm so glad he's at St. Luke's. My prayers are with you!!

Outcast said...

I'm glad to hear that he's had two good days in a row Ms A, hopefully this'll be him going out of this hell he's been in now.

Sally said...

Michael is strong; so is his mama. I can't begin to imagine what you all are going through. Prayers continue, you can be sure of that. Thanks so much for keeping in touch with us.


Ami said...

Thank goodness he has family to support him, care for him, take care OF him and be with.

thanks for the update...

Gigi said...

We never know the depths of our strength until we have to use it. I'm glad things are looking up and I'll continue to keep you all in my prayers. xo

Linda said...

Bless you both! Sounds like a challenging time.

Chatty Crone said...

I have been following you on all of this - but the life of me I can't remember how or what or why this happened.

Deborah said...

I love every update you give. I think about you every day. You are doing great!

George said...

Hopefully Michael has turned the corner and each day will be better than the one before. We will continue to keep all of you in our prayers.

NCmountainwoman said...

Still praying here. For your son and for all of you who wait so anxiously for him to heal.

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart, y'all have been through so much. I'm not surprised you're able to be this strong, especially for your son. Thank you for the update, but don't worry about us. Focus on him (and yourself!) Sending hugs and saying prayers!

Marie said...

Your son is so lucky to have you! Still thinking and praying for you all!
Hugs & blessings,

Pat Tillett said...

You are quite a lady and I'm so proud of you for hanging in there. I know it isn't easy for anyone in the family. A good couple of days, or even one, must feel so good. Hang in there my friend. Still sending everything positive I have your way.

Help! Mama Remote... said...

you know we're here for you. Praying for you continuously and hoping these good days continue. said...

I've been sending prayers and will continue to do so.

Keep strength and faith.
Love, friendship, and prayers,

Betty Manousos said...

i want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your son and family.
i am so Proud of you for hanging in there...these times are some of the hardest times to go through in life.
i am so glad to hear that michael has turn the corner for the good.
bless him.

hang in there my sweet friend.

you know i'm here for you.
sending hugs and loving and healing vibes your way.
think about you every single day and keep you in my prayers every night.


p.s. just wanted you to know that i stopped by your blog a couple of days ago and saw the photos in your previous post. sorry but couldn't comment..i was all in tears.

Ms. G said...

Glad to hear things are moving forward! You are all in my prayers and thoughts daily and I'm hanging on for continued improvement and strength for you honey. XO

Chana Meddin said...

Ms. A, you have discovered strength you never knew you had and Michael's courageous battle draws, I have no doubt, upon the love of you all! Having you in his corner, he can fight and perhaps, God Willing, soon relax and begin the work of rehabilitation, with the goal of coming home to inspire him on. It's astonishing how much has transpired since your husband's retirement cake, not what you expected, yet look how far you've come from "retirement" to "ACTIVE SERVICE!" Our prayers are always with you and Michael for more good days to stretch into weeks and months, one day at a time;)

Vicki Lane said...

So glad the news is encouraging. Stay strong -- we're all behind you. xox,Vicki

Kathleen said...

All of this sounds so familiar---from when my niece's husband had the heart transplant. I wish you could see him now, that would give you so much strength.

Us women are strange little creatures---it is amazing how strong we can be. Hang in sounds like things are starting to improve. Your son is lucky to have such a supporting family.

Love and hugs to you all---take care of yourself too.

Cheers :o)

KrippledWarrior said...

you are and shall remain in my prayers

Lynn Proctor said...

still holding your son and all of your family in my heart and prayers<3

Sally said...

Thinking of you, hoping to hear some good news. Take care of yourself.


Jen said...

I've heard these things can be like a roller-coaster. I'm so sorry to hear he's had some difficult times but glad to hear that he's improving again.
I can only imagine as his mom you've been thru an emotional ringer. As always hugs and prayers all around from your friend jen...

katie said...

oh sweetheart, you've been in my thoughts and prayers. i'm so happy that things are looking so promising. be sure and take care of yourself, too, okay?