Monday, December 10, 2012

Still Leaving

Remember the colorful tree in the previous post?  It sure has changed in a week.  There aren't many leaves left on that tree, but there are plenty on the other trees... still falling in the yard and pool.  They aren't even our trees, they're in the neighbor's yard.  After the storm we had tonight, I can't imagine what the yard is going to look like when the sun comes up!


mamahasspoken said...

I do have a tree that still has leaves on it. It's my magnolia tree. It always waits until January to drop them for some reason.
Oh and I also have a tree that ALWAYS dumps it's leaves on the neighbor's yard. Last week-end he was raking them up. Made me want to 'sneak' in and out of my house......

Liz Mays said...

Oh my gosh, the way you captured that leaf in mid-fall. LOVE!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Hi Cora

I am looking at cameras and I am enrolled in a class. What type of camera do you have. I was asked to have a manual DSLR or something like that. I have been looking at Canon's - since you've been doing this do you have any thoughts on this topic that could shed some light for me?

Chatty Crone said...

Gee your photos told a story and you never had to say a word! BEAUTIFUL! sandie

Nellie said...

More wonderful pictures, Ms. A. We still have a few leaves hanging on for dear life around here.:-)

Furry Bottoms said...

A leaf in flight! Thats a cool picture. I can't believe it is still leafing over there. All our leafs are on the ground, all over the place.

TexWisGirl said...

going, going, gone! in those last photos!

yes, the cold arctic wind is taking whatever might be left today!

Outcast said...

I love the last photos of the leaves falling. It's so precise and perfect and must have taken a whole lot of effort from you to capture it perfectly the way that you did. It's crazy to see that these leaves are still shedding even in December.

Jen said...

great before and after...and the falling leaf is just such a great shot! just amazing...

Karen said...

Wow, look at that stop action.

momto8 said...

love the leaf in mid air!!

Sally said...

More great photo's! It really is amazing what a difference a week makes. Kind of like what a difference in kids growing & changing daily. :)


Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh I love how you caught that leaf falling. So pretty!!

Chana Meddin said...

Oh my now you're a "sports" photographer! LOVED the shots of leaf floating mid-air, so...well, indescribable, really. Lots of imagination behind the lens of your camera! Can hardly wait for Christmas with the grandkids!!! :)

Katherines Corner said...

Wonderful photos my friend. We still have a few "hangers on" . xo

troutbirder said...

Ah! The views they are achanging. We're buried under snow this morning...:)

Barbara said...

Nice catch of that falling leaf!! The storm skirted our house, but it was so loud near you that my mom thought someone was breaking into the house! I can't imagine there are any leaves left at all on the trees!

lotta joy said...

The last photo of that leaf looks 3-D !!! Dammit. I want your camera. I don't want the instructions that came with it, just the camera.

Help! Mama Remote... said...

Wouldn't it be nice if leaves were made to fall in the yard they belonged?

~mel said...

Very pretty ~ and the ones on the prior post in the water...awesome! Great captures. Thanks for sharing:)

Janie said...

We have been here for 25 years. I came from an area that had mostly Maples..the leaves fell in the fall. Here, we have those tall tall Oaks. There's all kinds of oaks, but at least one variety holds it rusty brown leaves until the spring when the new leaves push them out.. THIS year, Sandy pushed them ALL off. This is the first year (even remembering Gloria) that we have had no leaves hanging in the's almost strange...

Nancy said...

And here I thought you already left. :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

My favorite season is ending with such a lovely bang. This has been the most beautifully colored one I have seen in a long time.

Powdered Toast Man said...

It would be cool if people's hair color changed with the seasons.

Lynn Proctor said...

you tell such an important story with you photos!

Lori G said...


Ms. G said...

Glorious color! And that last photo truly is amazing. It looks gallery worthy to me.

Vicki Lane said...

Beautiful colors! And the captures of the falling leaf are wonderful!

pembrokeshire lass said...

What a difference in the trees and a good idea to capture it. At first I couldn't make up my mind what that was in the air....I thought that you might have thrown your hat (from the header photo) into the air and then realised it was a leaf! What a good capture. Joan said...

Very nice. I especially like the floating leaf pictures.

Be well, MsA.

Jenny said...


What patience.

How did you actually capture that leaf as it falls.

Such a neat frozen moment.

Katie said...

That last one is perfect!

Anonymous said...

hi sweetie :) I'm back! love your flying leaves. so zen :) happy Sunday. xxo

George said...

We have one pin oak in our yard which will hang onto its leaves until Spring, but all the rest are bare, so hopefully we're done raking leaves for a while. You did a great job of capturing the leaf in flight.

Betty Manousos said...

hello, my friend, love that beautiful leaf, well done:)

Brandi said...

Your pictures are really beautiful.