Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Learning Experience

Photography is very much a learning experience for me, in more ways than one.  

Getting away from the house to shoot something can be a real problem with hubby working, I rarely leave the house by myself.  Couldn't wait for the weather to cool down, so that when we were able, we wouldn't swelter.  Forgot that when the weather cools down, it also gets dark earlier.  Poop, there's always a tradeoff.

Another problem I'm dealing with, is identifying things.  If it's something I'm not used to seeing, I have to try to find key words to research it.  Take birds for example, many bloggers posts beautiful images and know what the heck they are.  If it's anything other than the same old birds around my yard, I have no clue.  A Texas blogger buddy sent me a link to get me started, thank you Theresa!  I finally spotted something I don't normally see.  Wouldn't have thought it was more than sparrow, but the sounds they were making was what drew my attention.  If I hadn't seen it through the zoom lens, I wouldn't have known it actually was something different.  There were two of them and they were flitting around really fast, so I felt lucky to get a shot of them, at all.  The photos weren't quite the failure as were the previous shots of my grandson with a sugar high.  I think they might be the Eastern Phoebe.  If you know, please share.

Flowers and plants are another thing I'm ignorant of.  I just raised babies.  Please feel free to share your knowledge!

The cottony plant below, drew my attention until the wind blew it in my face.  I lost interest pretty quick after that.

Since this was a long post for me...and you, I'll apologize and stop typing words and just post a few more photos.

Purple Vinca (upside down after the rain)

White Vinca

Unfolding Elephant Ear


Okay, that's all!


So. Cal. Gal said...

I love these! The flying pelican is awesome! Great job!

Nancy said...

Fantastic captures! The pelican shots are amazing.

PS - I used to identify birds and I have an Audubon Wildflower Guide to figure out the flowers. :)

Outcast said...

I really love all these photos and think that you should be pleased about the shoot Ms A. I love the photo of the pelican in particular, it's just perfect.

Gigi said...

I'd say you are learning very quickly! Love these.

LL Cool Joe said...

Great set of photos. Love the unfolding leaf. :)

Mark said...

You saw a pelican? That's pretty awesome, I've never seen one in person. The little bird is cute too but I don't know what it is exactly. You're turning into quite the bird watcher now.

And plant watcher.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

The flowers are beautiful Cora!
I also think the capturing of the pelican flying was terrific.
Are you taking any classes?

mamahasspoken said...

I have no idea what any of them are except birds, flowers, and an ugly bug ;)
Great photos and love reading that you are getting out more!

Karen said...

You're doing such a great job with your photography, you've got a real eye for subject!

Ami said...

You have a natural talent for capturing beauty. (Yes, even the bug and the previous squished lizard).

Nellie said...

Terrific pictures! I'm no help in identifying, though.

I think the pelican is my favorite!

Have a good Thursday!

TexWisGirl said...

i do believe that is a phoebe. :) love those birds.

and love your pelican shots! the vinca ones made me smile. you have an artist's eye w/ the vinca and elephant ear.

as for the poofy plant, no idea, but you made me laugh.

the red and yellow ones are called 'firewheels' or 'indian blankets'. the yellow one, not sure.

TexWisGirl said...

p.s. i have several websites i use to i.d. flowers in texas, too. would be most happy to share them with you if you're interested.

lotta joy said...

If I had YOUR camera, I'm afraid I lose my mind....and lose my way home. Keep shooting away and don't apologize for silent photos!!!

A Wheelbug? Honestly? *gasp*

Lynn Proctor said...

i always enjoy your beautiful work :)

ancient one said...

I love all of your photos. You are doing great!!

Furry Bottoms said...

Those are really gorgeous pictures. You're doing so good!

Saara said...

Wow! I love your photos. And envy your camera. It´s not so important to know all the names of the things in the nature. There are many of us who don´t see the creatures or plants at all, they just pass by...

Jen said...

You have a wonderful eye! Your photographs are just gorgeous!

troutbirder said...

I like this post. Don't be shy! New hobby photography/birding/wildlife we all start at the beginning. If its fund go for it. btw To most beginners those little sparrow like looking birds are known as LBJ's (Little Brown Jobs)...:)

Lori G said...

Wow, you blow me away Girl. All of the photo's are gorgeous & the details you captured! You can almost feel how soft the birds are & catch an aroma of the flowers, rain & surroundings. Do you know how long I have been trying to catch a Pelican in flight like that??!! Dang! (You piss me off) They're exquisite shots. You're a natural!

Kathleen said...

I love all these....but that pelican in flight is amazing. I have never seen a pelican.

That wheelbug is pretty scary looking big is it?

KrippledWarrior said...

Nice work

Liz Mays said...

You're going to have trying to figure out everything you capture on film! and you most certainly are finding some fun subjects out there!

Jimmy said...

You are doing so good with your photography, at the rate you are going the learning will be behind you and you will be teaching very soon.

Well Done Ms. A

Help! Mama Remote... said...

Wow it amazes me the pictures your camera takes. I'm totally clueless on birds and.many flowers that I've never seen before.

Marie said...

You are taking some really lovely pictures! Just beautiful...

MunirGhiasuddin said...

These pics are beautiful, specially the flying pelicans.
Check the blog on He is a dedicated photagrapher, but does not blog much. He might get some encouragement from you.

Sally said...

You amaze me every.single.time.

I LOVE your photo's each and every one!


Chatty Crone said...

These photos are great - you just decided to start taking photos and you got these great shots? Sandie

Deborah said...

Look at these shots! I love all of them.

Betty Manousos said...

i love all these, the pelican, the elephant leaf and white vinca are my favourites.

i really like your bokeh, too.
simply awesome!

happy weekend my dearest!


xoxo_grah said...

very good capture! thanks for sharing about seeing the things that are not normal....I would love to try that one out too...:)


momto8 said...

i love your photos...I think the ordinary is not so ordinary when I see it in your shots.

Anonymous said...

These are all wonderful shots! Love that flying pelican! I used to try to identify everything I shot, but sometimes I just don't have time, and am so grateful for friends who come up with the answers!

Ms. G said...

I don't know what it is but it's lovely! Phenomenal shot of the pelican too!

Anonymous said...

:) stunning photographs. so sorry you don't leave the house without your hubby. I can relate to that, I've my own days when I need my mother near all the time. my favorite shot are the little bird right at the beginning. you're gifted my friend. all this set is amazing. what a good surprise :) happy Sunday. xxo

Saara said...

Heiii, I know You might not like to get - or participate - in any blog challenge, but anyway I gave you one in my last blog post... I´d like to read about your favorite cups and plates. (Sorry! You don´t have to do that!)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

You are doing great with your photos and that camera... I'm so proud of you... About birds, it just takes reading and looking at photos and other people's blogs to learn which one is which. You can do it and I'm sure you will...


Alexandra said...

Something about the third picture brings out such a wistfulness in me. It's like the fleetingness of a beautiful, magical moment. So lovely, it freezes in your mind forever.

Truly a heart striking composition.

George said...

I can understand your frustration with identifying unfamiliar photo subjects. But your photos are excellent, so I'm going to enjoy them without worrying about the correct identification.

Anonymous said...

What I finally did was buy a really good bird book (Peterson's Book of Birds, or something like that. The author is Peterson, tho.) and a book on Arkansas wildflowers. Those help tremendously. Want to go back and get Sibley's book of birds, I think it's a bit more detailed.

I envy you those pelicans you have down there. Would love to have some around here to capture! Great, great photos, Ms. A!

Katie said...

Beautiful. I especially love the yellow-pink/maroon flowers.
