Thursday, January 26, 2012

High Anxiety

I'm an overly anxious person.  Anyone that knows me will vouch it's the truth.  I think things through nine ways to Sunday, then I think them through again.  I'm not spontaneous.  I have to be able to wrap my limited brain mind around something.  Yes, it's a horrible flaw I live with.

Back in December, while consumed with the dread and anxiety of Christmas, I received  some mail I had known was coming all year, my drivers license renewal.  Oh, goody, something else to heighten my anxiety.

Two of the kids said, Mom, don't sweat it, just do it online.  That sounded promising.  I allowed Christmas to be done, before trying to tackle another stress.  Guess what, I didn't qualify to renew online... of course.  It couldn't be that simple.  Six years prior, I was able to renew by mail.  It had been twelve years since I had to brave it in person, pass a vision test and have my mug shot taken.

On Monday the weather was nice and we were expecting less than nice weather for the next few days.  Since hubby was off, we decided Monday would be the best day to brave it.

Most people wouldn't give this a second thought.  I'm not most people.  I don't know what it's like where you are, but in my area the DPS office is a zoo.  An overcrowded zoo.  I was not going to go there without a gun alone.

Upon arrival at the DPS office, the sign said to check in at the desk before standing in any line, which I did.  She asked for my license and gave me a number, then she informed us it would be a 2 1/2 hour wait.  Hubby asked if I wanted to wait that long, or come back another day.  OH, HECK NO, I'M HERE NOW AND I DON'T WANT TO COME BACK.  THERE'S NO GUARANTEE IT WOULDN'T BE JUST AS BAD, OR WORSE, THE NEXT TIME.  So, we found a spot by the wall to stand.

Just a hair before the 2 hour mark, they called my number.  I walked around to the counter, took care of the first part, AND THEN SHE TOLD ME TO PUT MY FACE ON THAT AWFUL VISION MACHINE, THAT EVERY TOM, DICK, HARRY AND HELEN, HAD HAD THEIR FACE ON.  I had already thought of that one.  I whipped out my towel and covered where my face had to contact the contaminated machine... AND PASSED!  Whew!

Then she took my mug shot, which we will NOT discuss and handed me a printout of my temporary license.

I had done it!  The rest of the day I kept saying how excited I was that it was over.  Hubby got sick of hearing it and finally told me if I said it again, he was going to smack me, and he didn't mean a kiss.  I said it and he smacked me on my broadest target and I actually let him get away with it, I was that relieved.

Today, during a slack in the rain, hubby walked outside to check the mail.  I heard laughing and figured he was chatting with someone outside.  He stepped in the house, still laughing and said, "You aren't going to believe this!"  It took about a half a second, before I said... "You better not tell me I got a jury summons!"

Sure enough, I did!


Unknown said...

Two hours to renew your license? That is agonizing! If I chose to renew my license at the post office, it may take 30 minutes of waiting, tops. I never try online before.
So usually I go to the state Department of Transportation, some 30 kilometres away and waited less than 5 minutes to have my license renewed.
Go right to the source. And thay do have more counters to serve you better.

Somebody told me once that anxiety propels the dynamo of interesting life.

Gigi said...

Both renewing your driver's license and jury duty are enough to cause one big, old panic attack in anyone!

Peggy K said...

Okay, so when you renew in person in 12 years, remember to go on a Tuesday, after 10 a.m. but before noon. That's typically a slower time at any of these places.

As far as the jury summons, WTH are you sending out to the universe??? "Pick on me, please!!!!" The good/bad thing about living in Cook County is that you go for the day, play your sudoku as you wait, and leave with your $17 check for making yourself available for the day. More people than not go home without making it to a jury!!!

mamahasspoken said...

You can't renew your license by mail or internet here, you have to do it in person. However there are two places in our county you can go to and thank goodness, it only takes 5 minutes. Might be because you don't have to do the vision test but you do have to do the picture thingy. Heck I'll spend more time walking into the courthouse and finding which room to go to then it takes to get the license renew! (yes it's never in the same place twice).

Lisa said...

Mine's up for renewal in August and I'm dreading it! I don't qaulify for the online renewal either because our state is now requiring proof of whatever...which means that sometime in the next 6 months I need to get myself another social security card (since I've managed to lose mine in the past 40 something years) and a certified copy of my marriage license. Good grief. I have a knot in my stomach over it and it's 6 months away.

Sorry about the jury summons. That sucks.

Sally said...

Oh mercy! I have to go have my license renewed too, first time in person in oh, say 50 years! You got through it with flying colors, so maybe I will also.

Now about that jury summons? UGH!!!

Ami said...

My doctor will write me a note about jury duty and anxiety and I won't have to go.

Several years back, I got out of it by the virtue of being a homeschooling parent.

Jury trial... where you're tried by 12 people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.

Betty Manousos said...

two hours to renew your license?
leaves me speechless!

you're not alone.
everyone has feelings of anxiety, and stress from time to time.

big hugs!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I have always wanted to get a jury duty summons. My father who did not want such summons told them he thought the guy was guilty as sin and a plethora of other opinionated points and they let him go so quickly he said it was amazing. It worked. So thought I would just pass that tip on.

Good grief if you had to be sequestered you would go mad. I wish I could trade with you!!

Bossy Betty said...

Ah! Congrats on the renewal and happy jury summons. Am I wrong to eagerly await your report from that adventure?

Momma Fargo said...

LOL, I have anxiety as well. Oy.

Sometimes I have battles with my own brain which causes more anxiety. And I over analyze everything. sigh

Hugs. :)

If you were a cop, you could get out of every jury duty. Just saying

CiCi said...

Two hours to wait and you did not have to take a written test? There are that many people waiting to renew their license. Too many people for me. That is what it was like in San Diego, and I would make an appointment and then go to DMV, so many people and I do not like crowds. I so feel for you. Dang, and now the jury business. You are probably torn between doing your civic duty and keeping all your hair. Do you have a legitimate reason not to participate on a jury? No? Well, you will have more interesting posts about this one. Sorry, I did not snicker. Just clearing my throat.

Liz Mays said...

I can not believe you had both things happen right next to each other.

And that wait is CRAZY! I've never had to wait that long in any state I've ever lived, but I probably would have stayed like you did and just got through it.

Deborah said...

I renewed mine back in June and sat there about two hours as well.

Thank goodness I have a smart phone to while away some time bugging people and being annoying on twitter.

Oh - and playing bubble pop until my eyes fell out.

Glad you got that done!

marifun56 said...

Oh poo on jury duty! Good luck with that! As to the license renewal... all AAA offices in my state do that. Cuts way down on waiting time.

George said...

Thanks for posting this -- it reminds me that I have to renew my driver's license as well. The notice said I could do it online, so I'll give that a try. I don't enjoy going to the BMV in person. I'm not sure our wait would be as long as yours, but it's too long for me. I'll confess that I laughed about your jury summons. Good luck!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Heart....."When it rains, it pours." Sorry you are having to go through all of this. Would it help if I tell you to RELAX and just go with the flow??????? ha...Guess not....

As we speak, hubby is trying to renew his license online.. Hope it goes through. Mine comes up next year!!!!

Get out and take a walk in nature today... It will do you good.

Karen said...

Tell them you suffer from anxiety, and can no longer attend jury duty. Your doctor can even give you a note. End of story, never to be bothered again. For real!

Ms. G said...

My condolences. Truly. I understand the anxiety. When I was called for jury my heart about pounded out of my chest. I tried to be calm but I suspect they sent me home because I looked like I would keel on them. I hope they let you loose or at least make it something fast and interesting!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Shoot, I didn't realize you could do a renewal online. I'm gonna check into that one.

I did the whole shootin' match last time...suppose I qualify???

Jury Duty...I'm so sorry!!! Not your lucky day, Huh?

God bless ya and have a better day my friend! :o)

Tracie said...

I live in a dinky town so renewing my license isn't too bad. I've heard that they changed things and you have to have a lot of documentation now though. Guess I'll find out next December.

You might think I'm weird but I actually enjoyed jury duty.

Vicki Lane said...

I look forward to hearing about your adventures on jury duty!

Help! Mama Remote... said...

ROTFL! It every dmv the zoo. 2 hrs is a long time. I hate jury.duty. I ran for years and they finally caught me.

So. Cal. Gal said...

Yay! A kindred spirit! I overthink things to the point of nausea.

I had to get my license renewed a couple years ago. The problem was that the last time I'd been into the DMV was before the w/c. I wheeled in and they freaked out. I guess you're supposed to tell them when you stop using crutches and begin using a w/c. Who knew! Then I failed the eye test! Grr!

I had to get a letter from both my eye and orthopedic doctors, saying I was fit to drive. Then I had to go downtown, have a (videotaped) meeting with some big wig, and do a driving test to prove that I was worthy of a driver's license. When, for the last 15 years, I had been driving with hand controls and a clean driving record. Hell, I'm probably a better driver than 90% of those with 2 good feet. : P

gmarch53 said...

I LUV Jury Duty...a great waste of time and some very amusing company!!! As Per the License business..well I think you have said it all!! *G*

Chana Meddin said...

I'll share my "jury duty" tips if you promise to show us your picture! They didn't want me so bad they actually CALLED TO MAKE SURE I DID NOT SHOW UP...dealio? Think about it.
Nobody else would see your Drivers License. HONEST.


I stood in line for 2 hours behind every mother-raper, ex-con and DUI renewals in Florida. They got their license. No problem.

Me? I got kicked out because I had married and my birth certificate had my MAIDEN name and not my MARRIED name on it.

huh? The old fool sitting behind the desk wasn't one who could be reasoned with.

After my stint in the state pen for killing him, I got my license easily, while standing in line with the mother-rapers, ex-cons and DUI renewals.

As for jury duty, go ahead and show up. When they ask you how you feel about the death penalty, just smile and drool. They'll send you home.

NCmountainwoman said...

Your DMV sounds like the ones we had in Milwaukee. Except it wasn't even a person who told you which line to queue up in. You had to answer questions on a touch-screen computer to get your line and number!

Couldn't believe how wonderfully quiet the DMV here in our little town is. And yes, I got a jury summons six months after we moved here. said...

I have to go through the renewal process this year too. Now I know to expect a jury summons right afterward. =)

But congratulations on passing the exam and renewing your license. Hopefully, you won't have to report for duty.

Shrinky said...

OMG, I've never heard of a licence renewal office, we don't have such a thing over here - it sounds HORRIBLE! I know we should implement some way of retesting folks eyesight and faculties, 'cos we certainly have LOADS of virtually blind and senile folk out driving on our roads, but all we have is a ten (or is twenty? I think it's twenty) year expiry on our licences - we simply post or email a form off with a fee, and automatically receive a new one in the post. Ugh, I would HATE to have to go through all that rigmarole you had to, to renew my licence!

As for the jury duty - oh my, you poor thing, that really IS a double whammy for one week! Y'know, I've always fancied being a juror myself, and was over the moon when I got called last year. I still haven't forgiven hubby for getting me out of it - he was due off the island the week it rolled round, and (sensiblly and truthfully) made me excuse myself on the grounds I'm the sole carer of our disabled son. Gahhhh, I was NOT a happy camper..!

Jenny said... The only small relief here is you didn't have to parallel park! Maybe you're too young to remember that from the driver's permit!

Other than that...I'm sorry. Wish I could send you a cupcake! Or a shot of tequila. Whichever would help the most!

Pat Tillett said...

When it rains it pours. Out here on the left coast, you can make an appointment at the DMV and cut your time there down by about 90%.
Congrats on passing!

Sarah said...

I'm lucky that I work downtown nearby the DMV so whenever I need something gov't-like I can whip over there in the afternoon and it's usually in & out. I'd probably go postal if I had to waste 2 hours of my day to renew my license.

Why is it that some people get jury summons multiple times and others never? I'd like to be on a jury sometime, just not for a homicide case. Too much pressure!

Plus the lawyers would probably say I'm unsuitable cuz I just look opinionated about everything!

Howling Hooligan said...

Dear Sarcastic Granny,

Maggie tole me to tell you that if you will bark excitedly at the lawyers when they ask you questions about your opinions, they will send you home immediately.

Love, Duke

Alexandra said...

Oh, I am the same way.

I get so anxious I make it bigger than it is.

But is pretty big. Inconvenient, time out of my day, parking woes...yuk.

And to put my head where others have.


And now my heart is palpitating.

Congrats on getting it over with!!

dopdavid said...

im overly anxious too, sometimes its good and sometimes its bad :p
good luck

Copyboy said...

Oh I can totally see how that'd make anyone crazy. And the eye machine would make anyone germ crazy as well.

middle child said...

I are just the luckiest person. Thanks for all you comments. I am almost becoming addicted to them.

Katherines Corner said...

wow a two hour wait...ugh!!!! I know what you mean about that vision thingy. I had the wise idea to wipe it down with a lysol wipe then put my face in and the fumes made my eyes watery and blurry, LOL, I started laughing but the don't laugh at the department of motor vehicles... xo

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Hey darlin', just poppin' by to wish you a marvelously blessed weekend!!!

middle child said...

Love you!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Back in my married days, renewed my license and didn't like my picture. My then wife looked at it and said, "Don't know what you are complaining about. It looks just like you". People wonder why she is my ex.

I Wonder Wye said...

Don't hate, but one of the benefits of living in the country is the trip to the DMV takes at the most 10 minutes when I can't renew by phone...and after I wrote a letter detailing how I was handicapped and the court building obviously wasn't up to code I knew they would excuse me for jury duty - which they did!! As I grow older I hesitate less often to speak up...

Copyboy said...

The DMV is no better! An uber-anxiety zone!!!

Katherines Corner said...

I am honored to have my Keepsakes By Katherine ad on your sidebar xo

LV said...

One experience is bad enough, but not two. At least, I am exempt from jury duty due to age. I may not get license renewed next year either. They seem to have a thing about us seniors. I loved your story.

Carrie Lynne said...

Ha ha on the jury summons, my number has come up the last two years. First time I called and wasn't,t needed, the last time I got picked and had to be chosen or unchosen by the lawyers. I was lucky enough to be dismissed after several questions..hoping my number doesn't come up this year.