Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Caterpillar


The Cranky said...

Oh well done Mrs. A, these are beautiful captures.

Hope all is well at your hacienda!

Outcast said...

This is possibly the most exotic caterpillar that I've ever seen, looks so cool, like something you'd see out in the rainforest! Love these photographs!

mamahasspoken said...

He's cute! And I like him better than the bee, mainly because he can't hurt you ;o)

Jen said...

He's beautiful! I can imagine that will be some fancy butterfly soon...

Liz Mays said...

Oh my goodness, what a capture!

Ami said...

Aww, I love 'cattlepidders'. That's what Lyssa called them as a child, and what some of my kids at work call them now. Great photos. :)

Sally said...

Mercy woman, those are some seriously awesome photo's. Just perfect!

I hope everything is going better for Mike and all of you.


TexWisGirl said...

just makes me smile. :)

CiCi said...

What wonderful colors on this little creature. The photo is excellent. I don't have a camera that could take such a clear picture at close range like this.

Nellie said...

Amazing photography, Ms. A!

Have a happy Wednesday!

Chatty Crone said...

You know they are so beautiful and work so hard to live - but they don't live long. Those were great shots. sandie

Betty Manousos said...

such beautiful macro shots!

well done:)

big hugs!

Saara said...

Tiger :) Wow! Amazing colors!

Help! Mama Remote... said...

WOW! Beautiful colors!

George said...

These are wonderful macros of the caterpillar. You've captured the details beautifully.

Chana Meddin said...

Just LOVELY! You have discovered and given us such beauty in what so many others would never even notice...STUNNING PHOTOGRAPHS and beautiful subject! THANK YOU! keep up the great shots, Yeah!!!Love You and your camera :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, How are you? I think of you often and pray that you are doing okay...

Beautiful colorful caterpillar... Great photos.


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

You love the critters don't you?
You should come here and take pics of the cicada's. Yuk!
But these are great photo's. You are very good Cora.

I am giving up.

Momma Fargo said...

Are you kidding me? You need to have millions paid and be in a Discovery or NG magazine. Bravo!!!

Katherines Corner said...

beautiful photos. I hope you can find the butterfly it turns into, so you can take even more xo

Jenny said...

Caterpillars, while cute and cuddly, kinda/sorta creep me out.

Maybe it's the antenna things.

And with these great photos I can see them ALL TOO CLEARLY!


Katie said...

Wonderful shots! Seems as though you haven't forgotten at thing!

troutbirder said...

Handsome enough to be a monarch over his territory....:)

Pat Tillett said...

Wow! Fantastic photos! This guy looks the same on both ends! Hard to tell if he's coming or going...

Marie said...

So beautiful...

Ms. G said...

Lovely! You really have a talent for capturing these awesome images.

lotta joy said...

I tried to capture the dewdrops on my sego palm fronds last night, having your photos in my mind. I was quick to learn that my camera is not in the same league as yous, by a long shot!

Linda said...

Beautiful caterpillar!

Vicki Lane said...


Nancy said...

Wonderful macros -- I've been missing your photos. :) said...

Funny that we both captured caterpillars. Your pics are much higher quality than mine. He/she's a beauty.


Deborah said...

Oh! You are good.

Alexandra said...


THANK YOU. *the small wonders of the world. thank you.

Barbara said...

These are awesome! I'm jealous - all we have are the woolly bears.

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Beautiful photographs!!!

momto8 said...

so glad your back to your photography! Love to see up close the amazing colors of a caterpillar that will a soon to be beautiful butterfly!

LL Cool Joe said...

What amazing photos. That is going to be a beautiful butterfly!

Betty said...

Was that in your backyard? I've never seen one like that before. Hope and pray your son is doing better.

Farida said...

What a lovely and extraordinary caterpillar!

Hope all is well with you, Ms A! :)

eastcoastlife said...

Love the beautiful caterpillar. I can imagine it turning into a beautiful butterfly.

Lynn Proctor said...

wow, you are amazing!!

Alexandra said...

My entire household LOVES your pictures. We ooh over them, and stare for minutes at a time. THANK YOU for that, and for bringing the unseen to our eyes.

Jenny said...

The eentsy weentsy caterpillar ...

went up...



Wrong nursery rhyme.

Either way, though, this was a neat picture!

Happy Tuesday.

Powdered Toast Man said...

His cousin must be a bumble bee.

Bossy Betty said...

That is absolutely beautiful!!!!