Friday, June 3, 2011

Playground Update

Got a phone call today, from a person in the know.  When I saw the phone number, I answered with, "This had better not be bad news!"

It was.

Said the playground didn't meet code and was being taken down. (and nobody can take it and it can't be donated to the church, either)

Strange how it has seen countless children, for untold hours of play and now it isn't good enough.  It's not like it was worn out, dilapidated or broken. 

I realize codes change over the years.  Seems to me, since it has served so well since the early 90's, it could be grandfathered, or something.  Especially since the economy isn't booming and schools are struggling and teachers are being laid off.  Not to mention that stuff costs a fortune!

I AM worn out, dilapidated and certainly not up to code.   I might be next!

Also, they are planning to replace it, but that's not the point.  There is nothing wrong with this equipment.  Only the code has changed.  It has been just fine for the children, until now and I loath waste.


Ally said...

Oh, this is so sad. I mean, I understand there are safety issues. I just can't believe something couldn't be done to fix it. Just seems so sad :(

Help! Mama Remote... said...

Aw that's sad to hear & your right codes do change. Just sad it couldn't be replaced.

Anonymous said...

Geez, well that really stinks. Sorry to hear that.

Betty Manousos said...

oh, no, that's soo sad.

so sorry to hear that. :(

betty xx

CiCi said...

They can't get rid of us old biddies. Old and worn out, yes, but we do still contribute.

I understand codes and if something does not meet the current codes it cannot be passed on to anyone else. What a liability hell that would be.

Hopefully the materials will be recycled some way and not just sent to a landfill. An artist or an artsy person could use some of the materials.

How soon will the new playground equipment be there?

Gigi said...

That just doesn't seem right that they can take it down and not replace it.

mamma said...

The sad thing is it's thanks to the nanny state that we have become that has cause it not to be up to code.

Bossy Betty said...

SO sorry to hear that!

middle child said...

I am soooo sick of the government making us follow all these rules. Don't they have anything better to do like oh...say..FIX THE ECONOMY?
And while we may not be "up to code", if we are destroyed, it will only be because they are intimidated by our wisdom.

Deborah said...

That's so sad. And I'm certain it will take them 2-3 years to come up with a plan let alone actually build the new playground.

Grr and arg for you.

Lori G said...

As the old song goes, "Raise some hell and pass me that petition!"...oh wait, that's the wrong words to that tune....
Either way, Shame on them! I'll support you any way you wish MsA. I appreciate the wise, refined, fine wines. I've learned more from You than you'll ever know. Thank You & don't ever stop.

Ms. A said...

Tanks, Lori... I'm too thunk to drink right now. Dang those margaritas!

Chana Meddin said...

WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? I am also worn out, old, and definitely dilapidated, but thanks to paranoia already KNOW i gonna be next! (See Congress...Health bill...ick if you are old or sick.) Like a playground. What was wrong with it?
WE need a Girl Rock Band to play a monumental protest concert on TOP OF THE playground equipment! Who has DRUMS? LOUD, LOUD DRUMS?

Shrinky said...

Why the f***k can't they just give it a tweak or two to get it through the updated code requirement? Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater..! Gaahhhhhhhhhh, world's gone mad (mutter, mutter).

Karen said...

HUH.. It looked like standard stuff to me.

Powdered Toast Man said...

I used to visit my elementary school every now and again and play on what we called "The Big Toy", I recently found out that they replaced it with a "safer" model. I feel like some of my childhood memories are lost now.

I suggest handcuffing yourself to the playground in protest.

BigMike said...

Welcome to public school and government bureaucracy. said...

It's incredibly frustrating what people invest their time and ego-control issues into, at the expense of children and families. Sorry to hear about this.

Ami said...

What a shame. Especially the 'can't be donated' part.


So. Cal. Gal said...

The code makers need to get a life. We had a playground that the local kids (including myself) played on for decades. Then suddenly it was declared unsafe, even though no kids (that I know of) had gotten hurt using it. No one plays on current playground now because it's not fun anymore, aka "safe".

The Duke said...


Anonymous said...

Oh...I don't know why red tape has to get in the middle of good clean fun for kids. Ugh.

Momma Fargo

Sarah said...

I hope they at least recycle the material after they replace it with new ones.

Cicero Sings said...

First off, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving comments. I'm only just getting to you ... checking out your own blog!

Don't get me onto this bureaucracy stuff, especially don't get me onto snacks and lunches. Some of the stuff I've read ... makes my hair curl and without curlers! Out with real food in with plastic, packaged stuff ... its safer. ROFL! Gag

We've signed away far too much of our freedom.

Anonymous said...

So, does this mean that I'm not up to code, either?

Marlene said...

Sounds like another "make work" project. BOO. Hiss. I don't get it. Perfectly functional, and obviously safe all these years and suddenly? Poof. Dumbasses.

Copyboy said...

Code is pretty much another word for red tape. Ugh!

Ms. G said...

That is waste! In the world these days where the schools has to fear being sued over something like a game of kickball.

Code is code for money. Fines, permits for upgrades and new constuction. Think about it. Once everything is deemed correct, where would the money come from?

Anonymous said...

Oh, that sucks. And for all this new-age talk about saving the environment and recycling ...what a waste to have to scrap a perfectly good playground. Maybe they'll be able to salvage some of the material and incorporate parts of the old into the new?....Nah, there's probably a code prohibiting that too. :( - G

Michelle Pixie said...

My hubby works with the code every day, I know it can be frustrating.

Alexandra said...

That's so sad.

The same thing happened here about 10 years ago with our "firemen's park."

It was deemed unsafe.

All the fun equipment: dangerously fun. That's what made it fun.

Now, things are overboard safe: small, plastic, no thrills.

So very sad about the antisepticness of it all.

Abbie said...

That is such a shame.

Sometimes they go overboard with the rules and regulations.

~mel said...

Seriously, the waste in this country is staggering!

Anil P said...

The loss of a playground anywhere is a loss of childhood in a way. Never a happy thing.

This is inevitable when the letter of the law is given more importance that the spirit of the law!

Ms. A said...

Anil, YES, a loss of childhood! That's the perfect description I was looking for and couldn't find the words. Thank you!

Finding Cheap Homes said...

Sorry to hear that, what was out of code?

Katherines Corner said...

Dear sweet Ms. A that is bad news in deed. It's frustrating and wasteful. Why on earth can't they just make some alterations to bring it "up to code"?
I hope you have a great weekend, please know how much I appreciate your comments and visits to my blog. Big Hugs!

Jenny said...

Oh, this is ridiculous. And they can't even DONATE it to someone who doesn't have a playground at all. Grrrrr....