Saturday, January 2, 2010


Think I've mentioned before, I'm not into cooking.  There are things I like to eat, but very few things I can't live without, food-wise.  Eating is more or less something I do, because I have to.  Sure makes it hard for Hubby, he thinks he has to eat every 4 - 6 hours.  I usually go for 12 - 16, without it.  

Yesterday, we had the typical New Years Day meal.  I fixed ham, cornbread, blackeyed peas and cabbage.  For a while, the house smelled like farts for reasons other than flatulence.  I won't bother to discuss anything after that cooking aroma died down, but I'll bet Hubby was grateful he had to work.

By the time 4 or 5 o'clock rolled around today, I was hungry.  Got a wild hair to fix an egg sandwich.  Fixed a beautiful fried egg, laid a slice of cheese on it, put it on toast, then, mashed up some avocado and put it on top and put the other piece of toast on.  Now that was a good sandwich, if I do say so myself.  Within about 30 minutes, my stomach was making some crazy sounds, my cholesterol was rising and my arteries clogging, but that sandwich hit the spot... all of them.  Hubby gets to escape the aftermath, he's working.  I saved you a bite.  It tasted much better than it looks.


1 comment:

Blasé said...

Those are the best sandwichs!