Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wordless Wednesday - The Eyes Have It


Kathleen's Blog said...

Wow!!!! Is that in your yard??? What type of bird is it??

The Cranky said...

Having that bugeyed galoot staring out of the tree at me would make my heart stop!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh geesh, that's a bit of a spooky stare! LOL!

Connie in Hartwood said...

Odd bird with cool eyes. Do you know what it is?

Deborah said...

Those shots are wonderful! I'm very curious to know what it is also!

TexWisGirl said...

awesome! looks like a juvenile yellow-crowned night heron! :)

TexWisGirl said...

i say juvie only because he looks like he's just coming into his adult plumage, but maybe it was an adult finishing a molt. :)

Shammickite said...

Some variety of heron? He knew you were watching him!

Sally said...

Oh my goodness! Yes, those eyes. Love these! :)


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Wow that is close.
We just got a photo of a bad eagle in the neighborhood but even with my long lens it's not that close. Great job!

Nellie said...

My goodness! I agree! Those are some unusual eyes! Of course, I don't recognize the bird, so it may be a bit unusual as well.:-)

gmarch53 said...

Thanks for sharing her? What kind of bird?

Peggy K said...

Looks like everyone, including me, wants this Wordless Wednesday to have a word. What the heck kind of bird is this??

Haven't been on my visits to my regulars lately. Missing my favorite bloggers. Need to make the time to visit you more often. Hope all is going well. How's your health? And how's your son doing?

Anonymous said...

Great pictures ..... interesting creature!

Marie said...

great photos! he was posing for you. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

"Hmmmm, wonder if there's anything good to eat round here??" Birdie says!!!!!!

Great photos, Cora.

Momma Fargo said...

Those are some great shots! Zee bird sure is keeping a watchful eye.

Betty Manousos said...

simply beautiful!

big hugs!

Vicki Lane said...

Nice capture! My guess is night heron.

LL Cool Joe said...

Great shots. It looks like you've added boggly eyes in Pickmonkey! :D

Jen said...

He's a beauty for sure! You have such a wonderful eye when it comes to taking pictures of the birds in your neighborhood and beyond.

George said...

You did a great job of capturing the eyes of this guy.

Linda said...

Very cool bird! You got some great shots.

Pat Tillett said...

I don't know what kind of bird it is, but it has some awesome eyes!