Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Orbs, Cath and Magic Numbers


mamahasspoken said...

This post was sad in that I hate seeing him there again, hooked up to all those monitors with more wires than chest hairs! Will continue to say a prayer for him and you as he goes through this again.......

Connie in Hartwood said...

Sending hugs for you and for Michael.

George said...

Words can't express the sadness we feel to see all of you going through this again. Just know you are in our prayers.

Deborah said...

Hang in there momma. I think about you and your family a lot and only have healing thoughts for all of you.

Vicki Lane said...

The sadness in Michael's eyes is breaking my heart. . .

TexWisGirl said...

bless you all. and most of all, bless him...

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Cora I love that he has spirits with him. guardian angels perhaps? loved ones none the less.

I hope those numbers are good ones!
Hugs to you all.

Sally said...

Bless you both. I'm so very sorry Michael is still in the hospital! He's looking better though than the last pics. I hope this means he is.

Has there been anymore said about a transplant?

Love you, girl. Keep the faith and know we're praying hard.


Nellie said...

Sending you hugs and prayers!

NCmountainwoman said...

Still praying hard as I can. For all of you.

Choleesa said...

Tell your son I said hello, and hang in there tough guy.

What a trooper he is.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

So sad that you all are having to go through this again... Michael looks so defeated.. Bless his heart... Prayers for HIM and for you and the family.

Saraheinä said...

I hope for the better for Michael. Prayers for all of you!

Outcast said...

Hope that Michael keeps on fighting, he is one heck of a brave guy!

Kathleen's Blog said...

He is looking much better than the last picture. I hope he is feeling better as well. Hang in there--this must be so hard for you all---especially him.

Gigi said...

As I'm sure you know, I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

You all WILL get through this; I'm sure of it.

Linda said...

Best wishes to Michael and all who are caring for him. And take care of yourself so you have plenty of strength.

Chana Meddin said...

Gosh, Ms. A, that tape sure must hurt when they rip it off Michael's chest! Is it a good thing, those numbers? As sorry as I feel seeing him like this I have to agree with the others that he looks stronger, at least for now, and you are always in my thoughts and prayers...God Bless, you are so overdue for a MIRACLE! LOVE YOU.

Nancy said...

I've been thinking about him lately and wondered how things were going. He looks so sad -- and all of those wrist bands kind of tell the story too. Big hugs and wishes for better numbers my friend.

troutbirder said...

Hoping for the best....

Help! Mama Remote... said...

Praying for Micheal

Karen said...

...and just who is that orb that has set down with Michael to visit?

Sending prayers xo

Katie said...

my gosh, what that poor man has to endure!

Marie said...

I'm so're all in my thoughts and prayers.

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh he looked so sad. My heart is just going out to you both.

Barbara said...

Sigh. Sending you both big hugs and keeping you in my prayers!

Furry Bottoms said...

Yeah, I see the orbs. Someones watching over your Michael during this difficult time. Hopefully soon we will see a smile on that face of his.

lotta joy said...

You're worrying about how much longer can he can continue to take this horrible debacle, and so am I. His eyes say it all. I am worried for both of you. If worry could help, I'd be of some use to you.

Liz Mays said...

I just feel for him so much, just so much.

pembrokeshire lass said...

You're right...what can we say!?! To see him like that again. My heart goes out to him...and you! Joan

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Sending prayers for you and Michael. I don't know what the tubes and machines are for, but I hope it means he is better.

Ami said...

Just so not fair. It sucks and I'm sorry. I wish I could offer something that would make everyone feel better, you know?

LL Cool Joe said...

Oh dear. Doesn't look good. Hope things are improving now. said...

More love and prayers are coming your way.

Take gentle care.


CiCi said...

Oh my, this must seem like endless hospital / doctor stuff for you and Michael and the rest of your family. I hope Michael isn't getting depressed and has the strength to focus on what his life will be like when he is well again. Actually he should be better than he was before. Give him a hug for me. I hope he knows how many of us are keeping him in our thoughts and prayers every day.

Ms. G said...

Seeing this brings back memories of my fathers hospitalizations as I was growing up. I know it's miserable being stuck in there. But medical science is more amazing than ever and I have great hopes for you! Continued prayers too : )

Anonymous said...

hello dear Ms. A I was so happy for your visit and now I'm a bit sad with what I'm seeing, but also glad that you have so many good friends sending you both good thoughts and prayers. I'll be one more, dear friend. love and peace of mind.. xxo

Furry Bottoms said...

Just thinking of you and Michael. Hope everything is going okay.

Anonymous said...

today I'm sending you the inner peace I get from walking in the sea. xxo

Lynn Proctor said...

thinking and praying for you and michael <3

Katherines Corner said...

continued prayers and lots of hugs

Betty Manousos said...

i am SO SAD...i couldn't even look at the photos of your precious son. just can't! bless him!

bless you all!


sorry for only just now commenting.

Jen said...

Not sleeping either I see, Momma!
Poor guy, do hope things take a turn for the best and stay that way. Prayers and hugs.

Pat Tillett said...

Oh Man! I'm sorry to see this. It wears on you, but you have to hang in there.

Betty Manousos said...

love, positive thoughts and prayers!! more prayers coming your way.

bless you all