Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Thoughts For Tuesday

Things have been anything but the usual around here.  Much more activity with an extra body in the house.  Especially an extra body that has a heart pump.

Mike is doing well.  Still adapting to life being much different than before he got sick.  He has clinic on Wednesday, for blood work to check medication levels and a pump rate adjustment.  I'm not exactly sure why they adjust the speeds, all this is still new to me.  What I do know is that after checking his drive line in his abdomen, they re-taped it with heavy duty tape that tore his skin off!  I just might have to stick a note on it to remind them to use different tape, although I doubt he will forget to mention it.  For someone that's on blood thinners, pulling skin off is not an option.

We have been walking the track next door and he's up to two miles.  The past two nights have been extremely windy and quite cool, so we've held off on the walking.  Also, there was a grass fire that made the area really smoky.  It was a controlled burn, but I can't believe anyone in their right mind would choose such a windy time to do that.

I'm looking forward to things getting easier and more comfortable and us being able to get out and shoot some photos.  I've already forgotten so much, I'll have to relearn it!  Mike can help me, he knows photography much better than I do.

For the bloggers with snow, stay warm and safe and here's to spring finding you, soon!




The Cranky said...

I am SO glad you're all home again; Mike is looking much better than in the last photos and it looks like he has a wee friend who is more than happy to hang out with him! You guys are in my thoughts. *hugs*

Nancy said...

So happy he's able to do two miles -- that's amazing! xo

mamahasspoken said...

Happy to read that he's home and all is going better each day!
Your comment about the snow made me smile especially since as I was reading this, it's snowing the hugest flakes I've ever seen.

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Glad Mike is doing better. Two miles...that is GREAT! It will get warm soon and surely the fresh air and sounds of birds singing will bring much cheer to you both. Who is that sweet little thing on Mikes lap...sooo cute!

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

Mike already walking two miles!?... awesome!!.. and that dog is just adorable.

Connie in Hartwood said...

Walgreens must love you!

LL Cool Joe said...

I'm sure as soon as you start using the camera everything will come back to you, a bit like riding a bike!

Sally said...

Walking is a huge improvement! Mike sure does look much better; you guys are taking such good care of him!

Always happy to see you here MsA, and to witness your son getting better. He's come a long way. I hope you're able to rest some yourself.


Ami said...

I'm glad he has you to take care of him. And I 2nd it, he looks better than in the last photos.

I *hate* burn season. The school I work in is rural, and we often spend an afternoon indoors in beautiful weather because of the smoke.

Katherines Corner said...

He's look better with each photo you post. Good news that he is walking so far already. So sorry about the tape thing, ouch! Hugs

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, Looks like Mike has a special friend with him---helping take good care of him I'm sure!!!!!

Glad things are going reasonably well. I'm sure you ALL will be glad when things continue to get better and better...

God Bless Mike --and YOU.

TexWisGirl said...

truly awesome on the walking! awesome!!!

yes, this last blast of winter is a bit bitter for us already cozy into spring. and i can't believe someone would burn in march winds!!!

Vicky said...

Wow- look how far you've all come- I know the journey is long and daunting but to see him at home, on the couch, in clothes- so many milestones already. Thinking of you as you continue to figure it out!

I have a hard time with many adhesives- I have them list it under allergies and then they have to ask me each time if what they use is okay.

NCmountainwoman said...

You are all still in my thoughts. Glad things are going well despite the skin-tearing tape. You would think they would have better alternatives.

Outcast said...

Glad to hear Mike's feeling better after these recent scares, hopefully things will get back to being kind of normal again.

Bunnym said...

OK, haven't been here in a while and I was alarmed at the latest entry...so I back tracked a bit and lady....you've been busy.

Life can really be a little too real at times and I'm sorry you and your family must endure what's going on...but it looks like you all have everything under control. THIS...is what family is all about.

Thinking of you and yours,


Betty Manousos said...

thanks for posting this!
AWESOME on the walking!! that's huge indeeed!

so happy to hear that michael is doing better each day!


Ms. G said...

I don't even have to imagine what a tape pull like that would do to someone on blood thinners, I know. Ah! Not acceptable! 2 miles is excellent, Good Job : )

Powdered Toast Man said...

It hurts like hell when tape rips hair off. I couldn't imagine the pain of ripping skin off. Stay strong.

KrippledWarrior said...

This is so obviously simple is probably the reason you didn't think of it. But he will learn how to do something like use a camera, go search YouTube with 60 billion entries are bound to be something there.

Nellie said...

I continue to send along my thoughts and prayers for Mike's improvement! Working up to two miles sounds amazing! That's a lot of medicine, but aren't we fortunate there are drugs that will help in his situation.


Chatty Crone said...

He is looking better, but I know he has a lot more recovery to do. That is a lot of meds. sandie

Gigi said...

He looks oh so much better! It's because his mama is taking care of him!

Don't worry - I'm sure all the photography skills will come back once you are able to focus again.

George said...

I'm glad to hear that Mike is doing so well. Hopefully the weather will improve and he can resume his walks. I look forward to your being able to get out and get some photographs.

ancient one said...

Wow I have gotten behind somehow... Glad things are going better... now I have to read back to see what I've missed.

Marie said...

Two miles is great! He looks good in these pics! The puppy dog sitting with him is so sweet!
You are all in my thoughts and prayers!

Farida said...

It must hurt him so much as the tape is removed from his skin... I think there is a solution to make it not so adhesive anyway, I'm sure things will be better in His time :D

Lynn Proctor said...

oh your son looks so much better--still in my prayers <3

troutbirder said...

Glad to see things are looking up. Spring is indeed the time of promise....:)

Chana Meddin said...

OH, Ms. A, just to see him with his (?) dog...is he staying with you, sounds like? There's no place like home. The tape: SERIOUSLY!?! Chances are Mike won't let THAT happen again. Sooo happy about his walks, stupid to have a burn, but...and have you learned yet what you need to learn? How could anyone? What thrills me is 1) seeing him home with you and 2) knowing HE'S the photographer you spoke of knowing so much he will be teaching you and together you will discover through the lens, to share with your future and to share with us now, the miracle of his coming Home! Congratulations, know he has a tough road ahead but as Lao Tzu, the Chinese Taoist philosopher said: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." May it also include a click of your new camera! God Bless and Happy Easter.

Help! Mama Remote... said...

Seeing the dog in his lap.........I think you'll pick right back up where you left off with your camera.

Katie said...

Aw, so happy he's feeling up to walking, and he looks great AND you sound 100% better yourself! Happy Easter, Ms. A!

lotta joy said...

I have an ileostomy and have had to use tape on my abdomen for 22 years. To say it's painful is an understatement. To say I'm fair skinned is also an understatement.

So I found 3M Cavilon No Sting Barrier Film at the pharmacy. It sprays on and instantly dries to a thin protective 'plastic' coating.

Tape will stick, but peel off without taking the skin with it.

Betty said...

I think walking two miles shows great progress. After spending all that time in bed he had to be weak, so it sounds like he's doing great. He looks fine.

Why would they have a controlled burn on a windy day during drought conditions?

Wednesday is our day down there too, but soon he'll only need to see the doctor every other week. They're going to let him go to the Clear Lake MD Anderson for blood draws on the weeks he doesn't see the doctor.

The parking really adds up. I've lost track of how many $100 parking chips I've bought. Did anyone from Emma's Hugs ever catch up with you while he was hospitalized?

So. Cal. Gal said...

Make SURE he asks about the tape! I'm on blood thinner too and can barely use paper tape. After a while, it melts from my body heat and makes my skin all red. Grr!

And he's walking 2 miles? I can't even do that. ;) Awesome!!!

Betty Manousos said...

wishing you and yours a happy easter!

big hugs

Jen said...

Holy crap that's a lot of meds! He looks good though mom so keep doing whatever it is you've been doing. And I'll keep up my prayers :)

Peggy K said...

Oh, Sweetie...I'm sure Walgreen's appreciates you keeping them in business!!

So glad to hear he's slowly getting back in the groove. I don't get a chance to visit blogs too much these days, but you (and the family) are never far from my thoughts.

momto8 said...

hang in there.
you are blessed to have each other.

Unknown said...

Hello Granny!

Glad to hear you are well.

I am sick, but i don't take any medication at all. Oh well.

Deborah said...

You and your family have been through so much. This post made me happy because he's doing so much better and you sound better as well.

Yay to all of that little Ms A. I'm glad for all of it!

Vicki Lane said...

Two miles? That's impressive. All the best to Mike and to his family.

Nancy said...

So happy to hear and see that your son is doing better. Looks like you are doing a great job taking care of him. And that little friend on his lap? Dogs are heaven sent, that's for sure!

Liz Mays said...

He's definitely looking better already although still thin. If he has strength to walk two miles though, that's awesome progress!

Alexandra said...

I'm so glad you're all home, and I'm still shocked at how quickly this all happened.

we never know.

Praying for you, always. He looks good, too.

Jenny said...

Two miles is pretty astonishing.

He sounds incredibly brave.

And he's so darned handsome, too!

I'm glad he has a little friend there to keep him company.