Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gray And Gloomy Mixed With Rain

Normally, I prefer winter to the intolerable heat of our summers.  I moaned and groaned and couldn't wait for winter to bring it on.  However, what we've been getting, isn't what I had in mind.  Mind you, we've had some sunny days, but with it still getting dark early, they just haven't been long enough to suit me and I don't get up at the butt crack to get an early startThis gray, gloomy, rainy weather is seriously unacceptable.  Crisp and clear is more what I was hoping for, both in weather and focus.

Photos have been scarce.  If it couldn't be shot out the door, it didn't get shot.  If there's a choice, I'm not going to choose to get out in the rain.  The photos below were only light rain, nothing like the deluge we had Wednesday.  Thankfully, we didn't get flooded!

Here's two more Monk Parakeet/Quaker Parrot shots I didn't put on the last post.  The sun was out that day and I'm ready to see it again!


Judith said...

Great photos!

Nancy said...

I prefer a sunny day as well, but we can't always get what we want. Rats.

Your photos are great!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I love rain and gray. Not for 6 straight months like when i lived in Seattle but a week or two is swell!!!! Bring it on!!

Kathleen said...

Really nice photos, in spite of the weather. The two bird shots at the end are beautiful....isn't it amazing what that bit of sun can do for everything??

Karen said...

They are so cute! Great job with rain shots too...

Sometimes when it's that kind of day, hop in the car with your camera and go to a mall or a landscape and garden place with a florist or a greenhouse, or an aquarium store, and you will find so many things to snap a photo of. I tell the store owner what I'm doing so they don't think I'm weird.

Lori Skoog said...

Your photographs are beautiful!

Chatty Crone said...

Those photos are amazing. You are so good. I love the drop or rain at the end of the leaf. We need rain here - and we are going to get it for 3 days now.

Momma Fargo said...

Love your photo-rama. We are supposed to get rain here today.

TexWisGirl said...

the droplets on the pine needles are beautiful! cute little monks!

i, on the other hand, LOVED the rain we got! i was SO THRILLED to see the run-off replenish the pond a bit. i really hope we get another round before too long!

lotta joy said...

It was the gray and the gloom that made me allow Stud to drag me to Florida. The sun DOES help my depression. But I'm already dreading the endless days of it. lol

Farida said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the disappointing weather at your end.

Your photos are looking like a pro, Ms A! Wow! You are really working on your digital cam or is it a DSLR? :)

Jen said...

Sunny here today.We actually had our windows open yesterday mid day; weird! Not crazy about rain but I can live with it for a day or two Lacking in rain thought, weathers crazy this year. Love the photos!

NCmountainwoman said...

Loved the photographs! We haven't seen enough of the sun, either. Weather is mild but foggy and cloudy.

Outcast said...

The second photo is my favourite Ms A but these are all beautiful, amazing job of turning the rain into something so beautiful.

Sally said...

You take awesome photo's even with rain. Love these! Hope you get some sunny days soon.


Liz Mays said...

But when you photograph the rain, it's actually quite beautiful.

Betty Manousos said...

love the beautiful details!
well done:)

big hugs

p.s. love your rainy photos!!

Help! Mama Remote... said...

I agree. I'm not a fan of winter at all, but I don't like extreme heat either. The weather hear is crazy. It was so warm yesterday and I saw plant starting to bud.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great photos despite your weather. You sound like me --griping about the weather. I love winter also --but not this rainy/dreary/foggy stuff. I want SNOW.... Dang it!!!!!! ha ha


Barbara said...

I feel the same way you do. I just keep telling myself "We need the rain!" The sun is out today, thank goodness!

Nellie said...

Wonderful photos! I love how I can see the raindrops on the plants!

Anonymous said...

hi sweetie :) I definetely love your shooting. your photos have a sense of harmony that bring me peace and they're delightful to look at. cute little birdie! xxo

Anonymous said...

That second shot is fantastic! I think they're all crisp and clear.

And those parrots still crack me up! It's grey and gloomy up here today with just drizzle all day. Wish it would either turn into snow or the sun should come out! Oh well, at least it's a cozy enough day. : )

Gigi said...

My soul literally shrivels up during extended gray and gloomy days - so I know what you mean. I've noticed you've been getting a lot of rain (and it's headed this way!) but according to my dad, you need it. But still, bring on the sunshine!

Marie said...

It might be some rainy days, but you sure know how to make it look so beautiful!
The birds are so cute! I did get your message about them in Florida, but I have never seen them.

mamahasspoken said...

I only like rain when I am home, snuggled in my bed and I can listen to the rain hitting the roof.
Needless to say, I don't have time for that so I'm not liking the rain here either :o/

Anonymous said...

These photos are beautiful! Especially the shots with rain in them. I actually prefer a cloudy day photo session. That big orange ball in the sky seems to always whiten out areas on the images I take on a sunny day.

George said...

These photos are truly wonderful. I especially like the first two -- they are great macros. I think your rain is moving our way, so hopefully you will soon get some sunshine.

Chana Meddin said...

WOW! I just loved the shot of raindrops on water and you really did capture the "saturation" of moisture you described reflected in so many imaginative ways! The monk parakeet is stunning. Well, if we can get snow and sun in the furthest corner of the Pacific Northwest, I'm thinking you'll get a break soon, too, Ms. A, but keep shooting through your displeasure (and I DO FEEL YOUR PAIN BOTH WITH THE CRACK OF DAWN AND THE SHORT, DARK DAYS!) but your imaginative use of the lens enables us to share your world. And I look forward to your posts so much, keep 'em coming!

gmarch53 said...

I LUV the rainy photos!! So I luv rainy days. Where did you find this parrot? Is it a wild species where you live? If so, that is so cool!

terri said...

You've certainly found the beauty in the rain with these photos, but I can relate to your preference for clear skies and drier weather.

Jimmy said...

Hey Ms. A, You are getting so good with your photography, those shots in the rain are excellent and the Parakeet I hope to see more of soon.

So. Cal. Gal said...

Gorgeous pics, as usual! I'll give you our weather. 45 degrees at 7:30 pm. I'd HATE to be outside at 1 am. Although, I should be in bed with my electric blanket on 'H' by then. But we both know that won't happen.

Vicki Lane said...

These are beautiful shots! I especially like the second one.

Lynn Proctor said...

i have heard some photographers say, that you get the best pics on a gloomy day---yours are the best no matter the weather!!! said...

Nice. I really like the close-ups of water; looks like teardrops.


Deborah said...

Oh your shots! The rain drops are lovely lovely.

Furry Bottoms said...

really really remarkable photography!!

Betty said...

I think what we're looking for is a dry winter. Nice cool dry weather.

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Oh, I know what you mean! I'm not a fan of winter. We just had a few days of 70 degree weather (which I LOVED) and now it is cold and rainy...COME SPRING!
BTW...just love those birds, all of your photographs are beautiful!

Alexandra said...

Number 3 gives me peace, something i need so much this week.

Your photos are wonderful for me. Thank you. xo

Jenny said...

I love that raindrops on pine picture! What a wonderful capture!

I'd tell you to come visit me in sunny Arizona, but I'm moving...and you'd have to work WAY too hard!

Happy Friday!

Pat Tillett said...

Those are great shots, no matter where you took them! You have a great eye...

Linda said...

Excellent photos! Once in a photography class we had an assignment to photograph a drop of water. It was challenging.