Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Leaving


Saara said...

What a warm and silent atmosphere! I´d like to hop into that water too! Love the colors. These pictures took me away from the freezing ( -15 C ) morning, a little traveling with my cup of coffee. Thank You!

So. Cal. Gal said...

Ahh! Clever title. And gorgeous photos!

Outcast said...

I can't believe that you took all of these photos Ms A, they're absolutely incredible and of great photographer standard, love all of them.

Deborah said...

I loved the title as well.

Lovely lovely shots.

The last one is tranquil.

troutbirder said...

And here I thought you were heading off to some exotic location.

Kathleen's Blog said...

All images that I would enlarge and frame...Thanks Ms A.......I love your photography!

Enjoy your week ;o)

mamahasspoken said...

Your pool is still open? though I have to say, these past few days it's been warm enough to swim here too ;o)

Liz Mays said...

It's really neat to see the variations in color and that one tree has so many within its own branches!

Powdered Toast Man said...

that one picture of a leaf looks like a whore with it's stems spread wide open.

Connie in Hartwood said...

Fascinating!! Lovely photos.

TexWisGirl said...

great shots!!! i think my favorites are 4th from bottom and 2nd from bottom. great job!

momto8 said...

wow. the effect on the water is really something! i so enjoy your photos!

George said...

Your photos of the leaves in the water are marvelous. You show a real artistic flair with them. I also like the picture of the leaves under the water. Very well done!

Lori G said...

Oh my...
You've outdone yourself my Dear.
I actually felt the "wow" in my chest when seeing the leaves on the water.

Lexie Rising said...

Very beautiful progression of photos! Very enjoyable!

Nellie said...

I love these pictures! Absolutely perfect!

Anonymous said...

so beautiful my friend :) so peaceful (except for the last one) but so is life.. xxo

Chatty Crone said...

Leaving is so beautiful when done right! And you did. sandie

Anonymous said...

I think tallow trees rival even maples with their beautiful autumn colors!!

Jen said...

Just beautiful!

Gigi said...

I'd say you, my friend, have mastered your camera! Gorgeous!

Nancy said...

Love how every leaf is so perfect in its own way. That water is so blue -- swimming pool? :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that next to last one is gorgeous! Would make a beautiful print!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes, it is 'leaving' in your post!!!! Lots and lots of leaves!!!! Gorgeous photos...

Our leaves are all GONE for now. The trees are BARE!!!!!


Chana Meddin said...

By the sixth photo I simply stopped BREATHING! These surreal images are spectacular...for me they represent the point where earth and spirit meet. I find them deeply moving, poetic, and definitely capable of holding their own in an art show. Seriously. WOW, Ms. A, and you never knew you had this talent until NOW? NOW-WOW!

Sally said...

Oh my!

Love these, each and every one. You're quite a photographer, MsA!


Ms. G said...

OH Just Stunning! Lovely : ) And thank you for the color dose too, I needed it. said...

Are you really just an amateur? These pictures look professionally done. You have got talent, MsA!


Lynn Proctor said...

wonderful pics!!

Karen said...

Such creative images! Look how far you've come :-)

Marie said...

These are beautiful photos! I really like the floating leaves. :) You are a talented lady!
Happy Saturday!

Help! Mama Remote... said...

oh my!!! The blue water looks so refreshing and your photography has become sooooooo amazing!!!!!!!!

Stephanie said...

Such beauty in the colours of those leaves!

Alexandra said...

These are all so very beautiful, but the first one takes my breath away.

Gorgeous sky.

You could make cards out of these, they're beautiful.

CiCi said...

The next to last photo with leaves in a row is awesome. Would you allow me to print this out and hang in my living room on my photo clothesline?

Anonymous said...

The water shots are my favorite. So lovely.

Linda said...

Oh, those are gorgeous! Great work.