Saturday, November 3, 2012

Teddy Bear On A Sugar High

My grandson is a live wire on a normal day, but add sugar to the mix and he's impossible to catch, much less to photograph.

They got here early on Halloween, since it was a school night.  He looked so cute and was his normal, energetic self until his sister gave him candy.  Even with a sport setting, he was a blur of a bear.

Uh oh... get ready!

Here it comes


Finally, he sat down for a brief moment, before they were off to gather more treats.  I was was exhausted!



TexWisGirl said...

awww. so cute! those footsies kill me. :)

Outcast said...

Your grandson is so adorable Ms A, I love how excitable he gets when on sugar, I hope the poor mite didn't have too much of a crash though!

The Cranky said...

He is adorable! I would love to have grandbabies to spoil rotten. =)

Ami said...

What a precious little bear!!! He looks pretty huggable, really.

And the sugar thing... funny. On Halloween my kids were wild and bouncing off the walls. But on November 1st, they'd all crashed from the sugar high and were quite mellow. A little crabbier than usual, though.

Mark said...

Awwww he's absolutely adorable.

Jimmy said...

I love it Ms. A, you can take so many pictures for that one really good one, but it is so worth it.

What a good looking kid :)

Marie said...

These pics are cracking me up! I remember those days with my son.:) Your little bear is adorable!!!

mamahasspoken said...

Ah the Energizer Bunny uh, teddy bear! Yea, I had one of those too.

Jen said...

I think I'm dizzy :) now i'll sit too!

Gigi said...

I remember those days - and wonder how I lived through them!

He's adorable!!!!

Barbara said...

He is a little doll!!! Made me tired looking at the photos!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

AH---that last picture was definitely worth waiting for. How SWEET.....


Chatty Crone said...

Awe he is adorable and so is his sister! Even though she gave him the candy. Wait until he starts school like my grandson - hold on - your going on a wild ride! sandie

So. Cal. Gal said...

Cutest. Costume. EVER.

Peggy K said...

Oh my stinkin' cute!!! I love it when they are a ball of energy. But it is exhausting!!

Kathleen said...

Beautiful boy!!!! The photos tell a lot, but that last one is just gorgeous ;o) I can't wait to get grand-babies.

Sally said...

Such a beautiful boy! Goodness gracious, could he be any cuter! All of your grands are just precious.

He looks to be about Rylan's age; Britt told me that she wasn't havin' anything to do with being a lobster on Halloween. :)


Liz Mays said...

You'd never know from that last shot that he was more than a relaxed and easygoing bear!

Too cute!

Betty Manousos said...

so much cuteness!!

your grandson is sooo very beautiful!
thanks for sharing.


~mel said...

What a cute, snuggly, little bear:)

lotta joy said...

Those blurry action shots are better than any video could be!

Vicki Lane said...

What a cutie! And what a great costume!

Deborah said...

He might be the cutest thing I've seen in a long long time. His face!

Chana Meddin said...

He had me at the bear footsies! Are you sure he didn't morph temporarily into BIGFOOT? That Portrait at the end is PRICELESS! Hope you plan to print and frame one for you and him both! Loved your Halloween, through your lens. WOW! What an adorable subject.

Karen said...

oooh, I love those little bear paw feet!

Anonymous said...

he is adorable :) really cute. I understand your exhaustion completely my niece was the same. it was stressful although I love her with all my heart. happy week ahead. xxo

George said...

Your grandson is a cute ball of energy. Don't you wish you could bottle some of that energy to sell to those of us who could use some extra energy?

Margaret Benbow said...

What a coincidence, my granddaughter is also a bear cub! :^) She has a coolfurry hat with perky ears. We are pretty lucky to be bear grannies,aren't we?

CiCi said...

What a cutie though. Some day you can tell him what a live wire he was at this age, so he can expect his kids to be likewise!

Furry Bottoms said...

such a cute cute bear!!! :) said...

He's a doll.


Nancy said...

I'm tired after watching his sugar rush! He's adorable. :)

LL Cool Joe said...

I'm exhausted just looking at the photos! He is a cute kid though. :D

troutbirder said...

As they say though as grandparents were can give them unconditional love... and then send them home to their parents to deal with. :)

Katherines Corner said...

extreme cuteness!!!!! Love that last photo! xo

momto8 said...

looks like fun to me!!

Powdered Toast Man said...

I think those blurry pics are of Bigfoot.

de engineur said...

he does seem to be moving a lot. But the last pic shows how cute he really is

Lori G said...

Double Awwwww....Absolutely Adorable!

LOL He's a Babe on the Move! It speaks volumes.
Just Beautiful.

Help! Mama Remote... said...

LOL this isso funny because I'm looking at the first pic thinking he was a real Teddy Bear until I kept reading ot. LOL too cute!