I admire talent. I don't have any, but there are some really talented people in this world and I have the pleasure of following one with a great talent for drawing. She has recently picked it back up after not having done it for a long time. To say I'm impressed would be an understatement!
Here's how it went down:
The contest is: GUESS WHOSE EYE THIS IS.
Send me an email telling me whose eye this is.
Don't give your guess in the comment section - but I DO expect a comment. I'm greedy that way.

I'm SO looking forward to seeing how many bits and pieces I can place on here before it's figured out.
If someone guesses correctly - right off the bat..... well.....shit.....
(1) the contest will be over:
(2) the winner will get a portrait,
(3) I'll wonder how the hell they figured it out - and we will forever shun them.
(4) facebook friends are not eligible.
And the winner is:MS A
We shall now begin the shunning .....
Okay, Ms A....if that is really your name...hmmmm... whatcha want?
Sounds like ya got ya'self in a BIG HEAP O'TROUBLE NOW! But, wow!!!
Yeah you did get yourself in to a fair bit of trouble there but that was quite impressive :) The drawing was great too.
Congratulations on guessing it right, I love the drawing as well like Mark. It's a shame it's now got you in trouble though, oh oh! :P
And you claim you have no talent! :-)
WOW!.. that was one incredible guess!! She has talent too...
I think it's the romantic in you that helped you get it right. I mean what woman hasn't watched Gone With The Wind twenty bazillion times and wished for her looks?
OK maybe I'm the only one......
Congrats! Did you win the drawing of Scarlet or of yourself?
Wow, that was a really good drawing! :) x
I want a re-vote! this contest was rigged :)
What Gigi said!
I'm amazed at your gift!
I always knew you had talent. You certainly did a great job with this contest. I'm sure you'll be forgiven (but disqualified from any further contests).
ROTFL!! Thats stunning work! Ok um gonna try to help get you out of trouble.
I agree with Gigi!
Jeez I still don't know who the hell that is with her whole face visible so there ya go....
How the heck did you pull that off? I am FLOORED!
holy smokes! you did GREAT! well, not from the other contestants point of view. she does GREAT portraits! totally impressed! i can't do people.
Well shoot! I was studying real hard, then read the rest. You rascal!! How fun. :)
That was the nicest post+link I have ever seen, and to think it points to my blog makes me all teary-eyed.
Now tell me what you want. I sure hope it's something I want to draw...(that's 100% of the ability to do a good job for you).
Will it be a movie star? A singer? A member of your family? YOU?????
The photo has to be well lit, but not by a harsh flash. I enlarge the photo to a giant degree, then pick out the particular visuals that nail the subject matter.....and I want to nail the person you request.
*chewing the pencils to a nice point as I write*
That is really good! I am so untalented in an artistic sense.
you are really good!!
Wow, that is great!
I was going to guess at Charlize Theron too...darn!
Love the drawing, who did it? You?
It is very good.
Wow! Never knew you had it in you! : )
Damn, I didn't get to play. Can you make it 'guess the boob' next time?
I was guessing as I read this, and I didn't get it. You're good,
You left out the most important part...who the hell is it? lol!
Looks like you have gone and done it now :^)
Amazing I'd say... :)
oh my gosh...you have so much talent!! you are my photography inspiration!!
Dang it, I should have been able to guess it. I LOVE Gone With the Wind! Congratulations!!
She got a GUN? Wow! Hahaha!
Im a little late for this party but OMG! I knew who it was too! Can't mistake that eyebrow. She is very talented. You want me to divert her attention and keep her busy while you run? ; )
Wow the drawing is just awesome!!
I totally guessed it.
I'm just late.
I didn't.
But, hey.
I could have.
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