I admire talent. I don't have any, but there are some really talented people in this world and I have the pleasure of following one with a great talent for drawing. She has recently picked it back up after not having done it for a long time. To say I'm impressed would be an understatement!
Here's how it went down:
The contest is: GUESS WHOSE EYE THIS IS.
Send me an email telling me whose eye this is.
Don't give your guess in the comment section - but I DO expect a comment. I'm greedy that way.

I'm SO looking forward to seeing how many bits and pieces I can place on here before it's figured out.
If someone guesses correctly - right off the bat..... well.....shit.....
(1) the contest will be over:
(2) the winner will get a portrait,
(3) I'll wonder how the hell they figured it out - and we will forever shun them.
(4) facebook friends are not eligible.
And the winner is:MS A
We shall now begin the shunning .....
Okay, Ms A....if that is really your name...hmmmm... whatcha want?